Pinned issues
- 3
data not loading
#98 opened by panosz - 1
missing references from database
#97 opened by inevespace - 2
- 1
Importing database fails (non unique entries ?)
#94 opened by apraga - 10
Breaking changes
#1 opened by jghauser - 14
- 2
Enable multiple-selection in telescope picker
#11 opened by maxmahlke - 0
data db issues
#89 opened by jghauser - 2
NixVim documentation
#39 opened by arunoruto - 2
Trouble running package on macos (apple silicon)
#82 opened by avonmoll - 6
- 13
Improve Telescope picker
#8 opened by jghauser - 12
opening references picker causes telescope error
#36 opened by avonmoll - 1
Opening files should respect papis config
#25 opened by avonmoll - 2
Papis startup fails
#67 opened by breneser - 2
new updates seem to break plugin on LazyVim
#66 opened by joelsleeba - 7
Problem with loading after v0.3.1
#62 opened by panosz - 1
Missing log.lua?
#61 opened by davvil - 2
Search depth in the library
#37 opened by joelsleeba - 3
- 2
Setup impossible
#30 opened by albedorsch - 2
Error in startup after #48
#50 opened by panosz - 1
Include nix output
#35 opened by purepani - 9
Setup not working correctly
#40 opened by TinyPower - 3
Entries are faulty
#31 opened by ZackGlenn - 5
- 3
vim.loop.os_uname().sysname returns "Windows_NT"
#26 opened by ckarren - 4
- 3
- 10
ps: illegal option -- q
#23 opened by jhvst - 2
cmp source for completing references
#9 opened by avonmoll - 1
- 6
Lazy.nvim support, as it does not support rocks.
#18 opened by vsedov - 0
Move from lyaml luarock to yq
#19 opened by jghauser - 1
Attempt to concatenate upvalue 'tag_delimiter' (a nil value) in completion/source.lua
#16 opened by aaronwuerth - 1
Add option to insert unformatted reference
#10 opened by maxmahlke - 6
Dependency libyaml-dev
#5 opened by KMIJPH - 10
- 11
Library directory not accessible
#3 opened by maxmahlke