
A play with GeoNet.co.nz json API for latest quakes

Primary LanguageCSS


A play with GeoNet.co.nz json API for latest quakes

After the scary 6.5 Magnitude Earthquake on 21st of July 2013 it came to my attention that GeoNet offers a frequently updated json file of 30 most recent quakes in the New Zealand area.

Seeing that I, like many other Kiwis around New Zealand were hammering the GeoNet website every 5 minutes to see the latest quakes I decided to have a play with their API and setup my own map based quake monitor. The map shows the most recent quake in green, and the strongest recent quake in red.

The page does not store any geonet data, it pulls the first 30 recent quakes from page load then queries the geonet server every second to see if more quakes have happened.


  • PHP, if anyone wants to help write this as a jekyll plugin in ruby please submit a branch.
  • Google Maps v3 API

#Usage Clone the repo to your server git clone http://github.com/jghazally/quakemonitor

Copy the sample config to config.php cp sample-config.php config.php

Replace the xxxxxxx section in the config.php with your Google Maps API Key define('GOOGLEMAPS_API', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx');

#jQuery Libraries used This page uses

  1. gmaps.js: http://hpneo.github.io/gmaps/
  2. twinkle.jsL http://larsjung.de/twinkle/