
A list editor for the Alpha Strike 350 format.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

AS 350 list builder

Implemented Validations

  • Automatically excludes experimental and unique units
  • Should correctly associate the general lists: IS General/IS Clan/HW Clan/Periphery units with qualifying factions.
  • Validates number of ART units in roster.
  • Validates number of JMPS units in roster.
  • Validates roster is within 350 PV
  • Validates number of ProtoMechs
  • Validates number of Infantry
  • Validates number of Conventional Vehicles
  • Validates total number of Mechs (BatleMechs, ProtoMechs, IndustrialMechs)

Missing Validations

  • Chassis limit
  • Variant limit


  • add a modal popup with planned features list.
  • add collection manager to allow adding a list of "chassis" that a user has in their collection
    • need to figure out how to do this exactly as there isn't a specific chasis field in the data
    • could also track if the model is painted
    • could also support a strict mode where the exact model can be tracked instead of just the chassis
    • allow filtering search results on model collection
  • Add list export (pdf, and json for backup/restore)
    • probably need a coversheet with the roster details.
    • Possibly use print style sheets that load the unit cards
  • add some indicator for the last time data was scraped from the MUL
  • need to figure out how to apply the chassis / variant validation, as those fields are not clean in the MUL data.
  • Add a means of building 200 point sub-lists, and adding notes about them.
    • Stealing an idea from discord, also add a tool for generating combinations of ~200 points, and then allows saving if the user likes the generated option.