
CrayptoTrader automates building of volume for a certain token. Currently hardcoded in the system is NOX to ETH trade.



  • Docker 18.1
  • Grafana
  • InfluxDB

The first thing to do in order to run system is to download docker and pull golang image into the host system.



  • Go 1.10

Assuming, Go is already in the system execute this in the workspace root.

$ make

Set the configuration config.yaml and restart.

$ docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/go/src/ -p 8000:8000 golang:1.10.1 bash
> go get -u
> dep ensure
> make

Frontend Settings

alt text

Account Configuration:

Need two accounts to bounce buy and sell of trades. If in case one account is missing it will miss the buy/sell trade.

API Key     - Livecoin generated API key
API Secret  - Livecoin secret key

After filling up the details, save the new account configuration. The popup notification should state that the bot account is saved. Otherwise there is an error.

Rule Configuration:

If the rule configuration is not filled up. It will run the default bot configuration.

Interval                        - May come in seconds, minutes, hours, and days (e.g. 1s means 1 second, 1m for 1 minute). Default is 7 seconds.
Maximum Volume                  - Is the maximum volume the bot will reach before put to halt.
Transaction Volume              - Is the minimum quantity of NOX token needed to deal in the exchange.
Variance of Transaction Volume  - The random percentage on which it will add to transaction volume.
Bid Price Step Down             - Is the deduction it will do the achieve the lowest price ask in exchange.
Minimum Bid Price               - The minimum bid price on which the bot will play if the price is lower then bot will halt.

Change all the details, both rules have separate interval rules.

What is currently on the road map and WIP?

[ ] Proper interaction to Grafana UI [ ] Proper handling of other crypto currency pairs