
LA reponse a la question

Primary LanguageJava


How to process a yaml input file structured this way :

          google: google.com:443
          mysite: mytest.test:443

to perform TCP connectivity checks and print the results :

OK: google
BAD: mysite

in java

the project is build using maven to build ( and has a single dependency, managed by maven, to parse yaml : snakeyaml ) The single test runs against the test input file

From the java directory :

To build the jar :

maven package

To run manually using the jar : java -cp target/ingenico-test-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar fr.htz.ingenico.Main src/test/resources/input.yml

or simply : java -jar target/ingenico-test-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar src/test/resources/input.yml

in shell

From the bash directory :

bash connectivityTest.sh ../java/src/test/resources/input.yml

in python

From the python directory :

python2 connectivityTest.py ../java/src/test/resources/input.yml or python3 connectivityTest.py ../java/src/test/resources/input.yml


Code works in any language, but shell is very slow and bad at parsing data. Python is very short and runs reasonably fast. Java works fastest but is quite verbose. And java lacks native yaml support (and also lacks native json support by the way)