Open source SID 8580/6581 emulator that can be executed on Bluepill boards and STM32F103
License - GNU General Public License v3 (derived from Bakisha STM32 SID player)
Project is heavily inspired by SwinSID and ArmSID project. And is maintained as an open-source alternative to them. Now it is even working on a STM32F103C8T6 on an overclocked freq 128 MHz with 8 MHz crystal. With some errors in behavior - some readings are missing. I'm looking for contributers(I can even pay for the work) who will add some assembler optimization magic into my code. Also I plan releasing Altium Designer PCB hardware files publicly available right after I'll sell 10 copies of UltiSIDs to public.
Working in a time-stretched and computation-intensive environment of C64 requires hardcore optimization of code. Project is still in a very early stage of development
Why UltiSID? Why Ulti? I think that open-source contributions make our planet better, and since, the open-source alternative to SwinSID and ArmSID is still better than closed solutions. In 2021 there are still no any good SID emulators publicly available. 2021, Carl!
Tolaemon's NanoSwinSID page with open-hardware PCB available: My PCB is a modified version of SwinSID PCB
ArmSID page with schematic:
Teensy SID emulator (huuuge, not really good): and
SID BluePill emulators: - my code is 80% based on this repository - references
Swinkels page - dead Available on - please check it, there is a SID emulation source for SwinSID atmega8515.
Kung Fu Flash - I am inspired by simplicity of it and its power.
Special greetings to Protovision Games
STM32F103 has a very long delay between CS fall down and interrupt routine begin - about 200ns. With a 500 ns window at all. I plan migrating to STM32F405RCT6(still, very cheap on Aliexpress) my PCB also supports it. Also, I should optimize RW&CS routines to enhance performance.
- We have a 256b buffer for SID data, and it is processed in main cycle. Seems enough, but sometimes I hear that it is not.
- Pitch is not calibrated
- Data readings are not correct at event-intensive tunes(where there are a lot of write-to-SID activities)
- No 6581/8580 switch
- No paddles(sorry, no reads)
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