This script:
- Downloads the audio from YouTube.
- Looks into the video description for some tracklist and RegExes the $H!T out of it, searching for timestamps and song names.
- Uses the tracklist timestamps to slice the audio file and
- Generates a file for each song....
- Hopefully.
Slicing is based on minimum dB in order to get the best out of crossfaded audio tracks <-- those are a pain in the a$$.
04 06:16 Artist - Song
Artist - Song 06:16
*06:16 Artist - Song
01:33:12 Artist - Song
- ffmpeg. Binaries must be in $PATH, otherwise you must specify ffmpeg fullpath on the script's command strings.
- pytube python module. I'm really hoping to get rid of the module. It does a whole bunch of stuff we don't need for this to work. Getting this script to work without pytube would be neat.
pip install pytube