
Analyze list of stocks and collect information from ihub and profitspi to compare against the list

Primary LanguagePerl


Analyze a set list of stocks for the following information:

  • Posts Today (The # of posts on InvestorsHub for the Stock's message board)
  • Followers (The # of followers on InvestorsHub for the Stock's message board)
  • Change (The change in price for the stock from profitspi)
  • %Change (The % change in price for the stock from profitspi)
  • 5 Day Avg Volume (The 5 Day Average volume from profitspi)
  • 10 Day Avg Volume (The 10 Day Average volume from profitspi)
  • Todays Volume (Todays Volume from profitspi)
  • Todays Volume x 5 Day Avg Volume (Comparison of todays volume x 5 day avg)
  • Todays Volume x 10 Day Avg Volume (Comparison of todays volume x 10day avg)

The output is sent to a seperate .csv for each stock symbol.

This would be used in conjunction with a cron job, to run multiple times during the day and analyze the results.

The hope would be if the 'Posts Today', 'Followers', 'Todays Volume' and 'Todays Volume compared to 5/10 Day Avg Vol' are all increasing, it may be a good time to purchase some shares.


The following is needed:

  • Linux (or cygwin)
  • Perl
  • Perl Modules:
  • WWW-Mechanize
  • HTTP-Cookies
  • HTML-TreeBuilder


Get the code from GitHub

git clone git@github.com:jgilmour/stockwatch.git

Get the board_id numbers from investorshub boards for the stock symbols you would like, examples below:

  • Board ID: 204
  • Board ID: 64
  • Board ID: 2518

Edit the boardlist file and put the board_id's into the file

cat boardlist 204 64 2518

All set for installation!


After you have a list of Board ID's within your 'boardlist' file, you must then run the runme.sh file. This file will start analyzing the stocks you have in your boardlist file. It will look like the following:

` ./runme.sh` ` Starting stock analysis..........Done!`

A folder will have been created called csv, when you look in this folder you will see multiple .csv files with the stock name. For example, using the symbols above in my boardlist file, I have the following output.

ls ./csv/*.csv ./csv/AAPL.csv ./csv/GOOG.csv ./csv/MSFT.csv

If we look through the files, we see the following:

cat ./csv/AAPL.csv SYMBL POSTS FOLLOWS CHG %CHG Vol 10DAvg 5DAvg xX5DAvg xX10DAvg AAPL 4 261 8.18 2.71% 23002074 18447800 19299181 1.1 1.2

cat ./csv/GOOG.csv SYMBL POSTS FOLLOWS CHG %CHG Vol 10DAvg 5DAvg xX5DAvg xX10DAvg GOOG 5 78 58.93 10.89% 11924003 3177278 3786843 3.1 3.7

cat ./csv/MSFT.csv SYMBL POSTS FOLLOWS CHG %CHG Vol 10DAvg 5DAvg xX5DAvg xX10DAvg MSFT 0 78 0.21 0.83% 48200376 58575783 49244190 0.9 0.8

As you can see if this script is setup in a cron job, and run multiple times during the day, you may be able to see when a stock is getting more and more popular, and possibly the right time to buy in.


  • Have ability to export
  • Google Spreadsheet
  • XLS Format
  • HTML Table format
  • Add in Time/Date fields for rows


  • Changed 't' delimiters to ',' for true CSV - 10/15/2010


This is a screenshot of a fully working run of Stockwatch. I am analyzing the following stocks:

![stockwatch](http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs445.ash2/71862_546038622480_41900271_31886622_1574651_n.jpg "Stockwatch")