SparkPost support for your .NET Core projects.
Using in .NET Core
Place the following in your Startup.ConfigureServices section:
Hook up the configuration using the following code:
services.AddOptions(); // Most apps already are using this, but just in case.
services.Configure<SparkPostOptions>(options => Configuration.GetSection("SparkPost").Bind(options));
Configure SparkPost from your appSettings.json file like so:
"SparkPost": {
"ApiKey": "[Api key here]"
Sending an e-mail
var transmission = new Transmission();
transmission.Content.From.EMail = "";
transmission.Content.From.Name = "NoReply Friendly Name";
transmission.Content.Subject = "My Subject Here";
transmission.Content.Html = "<h1>Hello There</h1>";
var recipient = new Recipient();
recipient.Address.EMail = "";
await this.SparkPostClient.CreateTransmission(transmission);
You'll need to configure the following environment variables:
- SPARKPOST_APIKEY - SparkPost API key for testing.
- SPARKPOST_SENDINGDOMAIN - Domain we're sending from/to.