
This is a Node.js script that can be used as "personal dynamic DNS" for domains hosted at GoDaddy. It detects the public IP address of the machine where this script is run on, and updates the DNS A record using GoDaddy's public API. The update only occurs if the public IP address differs from the current DNS A record.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Forked from "GoDaddy Developer Portal" by cinupina


This is a Node.js script that can be used as "personal dynamic DNS" for domains hosted at GoDaddy. It detects the public IP address of the machine where this script is run on, and updates the DNS A record using GoDaddy's public API. The update only occurs if the public IP address differs from the current DNS A record.

How It Works

  1. The script calls api.ipify.org to determine the public IP address of your request.
  2. It then calls GoDaddy API to check your host's current DNS records.
  3. If the IPs are different, it calls GoDaddy API to update your hosts' DNS record to match your current public IP address.

Installation and Execution

The script has been tested using Node 6.x, though any version that supports ES6 should work. It needs to be run on a machine that is behind the public IP address you want to update your DNS record to.

Method 1

  1. Install Node.js
  2. Clone this repository to a local directory.
  3. Request Production GoDaddy API Key and Secret for your account from GoDaddy Developer Portal
  4. Create auth.json file in the root local repository directory, containing the following (consult auth.json.sample):
  "key": "[your GoDaddy API Key]",
  "secret": "[your GoDaddy API Secret]",
  "domain": "[your domain name, ex: foo.com]",
  "host": ["your host(s)",  ex: ["www"] or ["www", "api"]] 
  1. Run npm install in the root local repository.
  2. Execute this script via npm start, or node ./index.js. Test using npm test.
  3. Repeat the execution periodically, using cron job or other task schedulers.

See CLI Usage

Method 2

Install as a module via npm install git+https://github.com/jgjake2/godaddy-dynamic-dns.git --save

See Programmatic Usage

Notes and Disclaimer

  1. Feedback, bug report, PR are welcome!
  2. The script is provided as-is, I hold absolutely no responsibility for any problem with your host records using this script :)))

Docker Installation and Execution

  1. Install Docker

  2. Clone this repository to a local directory.

  3. Request Production GoDaddy API Key and Secret for your account from GoDaddy Developer Portal

  4. Create auth.json file in the root local repository directory, containing the following (consult auth.json.sample):

      "key": "[your GoDaddy API Key]",
      "secret": "[your GoDaddy API Secret]",
      "domain": "[your domain name, ex: foo.com]",
      "host": ["your host(s)",  ex: ["www"] or ["www", "api"]]
  5. Run Docker build:

    docker build . -t=godaddy-dynamic-dns
  6. Start Docker container:

    docker run -d --restart=always -e INTERVAL=3600 --name=godaddy-dynamic-dns godaddy-dynamic-dns

The default check interval is 1 hour (3600 seconds). Modify INTERVAL environment variable if you desire a different interval time.

  1. Stop Docker container:

    docker stop godaddy-dynamic-dns
  2. Restart Docker container, ie: after a host reboot:

    docker start godaddy-dynamic-dns
  3. Remove Docker container:

    docker rm -f godaddy-dynamic-dns

Programmatic Usage

If you have a lot of domains, it may be easier to write a script that updates them all at once.

const GoDaddyDynamicDNS = require('godaddy-dynamic-dns');
const settings = {
  "key": "[your GoDaddy API Key]",
  "secret": "[your GoDaddy API Secret]",
  "domain": "[your domain name, ex: foo.com]",
  "host": ["your host(s)",  ex: ["www"] or ["www", "api"]] ,
  "ip": "" // Optional: override dynamic detection of public IP address
const enableTestingMode = false; // Does not commit DNS changes when true
var myGoDaddyDynamicDNS = new GoDaddyDynamicDNS(settings, enableTestingMode);
myGoDaddyDynamicDNS.run((success) => {
    console.log('DNS Update Success: ', success);


console.log('last DNS check: ', myGoDaddyDynamicDNS.lastCheck);
console.log('last DNS update: ', myGoDaddyDynamicDNS.lastUpdate);

You can override dynamic ip detection when you call run (also overrides "ip" value in settings if given):


CLI Usage:

# Run and auto detect location of auth.json
node index.js

# Specify auth file path
node index.js "/path/to/auth.json"

# Enable testing mode
node index.js --test

# Using NPM
npm start

# Test using NPM
npm test