Create physical objects in Ruby, OpenScad export
This is a successor to my older project CrystalScad.
A packaged release is not yet available, please build your own package in the meantime:
$ git clone
$ cd jenncad
$ rake install
This will create a gem and a binary jenncad.
To create a new project directory, run:
$ jenncad create meow
This will generate a directory meow/ and an executable ruby file meow.rb in its directory
$ cd meow
$ ./meow
This will generate a dummy project which generates a dummy cube as OpenSCAD output:
$ cat output/meow.scad
$fn=64; translate([-5, -5, 0])cube([10, 10, 10.0]);
Automatically refresh OpenSCAD output while developing
Jenncad bundles the observr gem which will check if files were changed while developing. In the project directory run:
$ jenncad
This should display something like:
refreshing... ok JennCad running, refreshing on file changes. Press ctrl+c to exit
Note: This does not check for new files in the project. You will have to restart it when you create a new part in a new file
Create new part
In your project directory, run:
$ jenncad new cat
part parts/cat.rb created. In your meow.rb add to class Meow:
def cat
You will have to link the part to the project manually into the meow.rb file in your project directory. When you add it, your meow.rb should look like this:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "jenncad"
include JennCad
class Meow < Project
def config
def meow
def cat