
Suma (https://suma-project.github.io) in a Dockerized Environment

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Dockerized Suma

This repository bundles Suma, a webapp for facilitating performing head-counts in libraries, in a network of Docker containers, allowing it to be deployed with a single command (docker-compose up).

Suma's documentation can be found here.

Docker Environment

The files in this repository use docker-compose version 3+. See here for installation instructions for docker-compose and its dependencies (including docker).


  1. Clone this repository along with its Suma submodule with git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/USERNAME/suma-docker (where USERNAME) is replaced to match whatever fork of this repository you're using.
  2. This Docker repository requires one minor change to be made to Suma itself, for the zend dependency that ships with it to work:
    In service/web/index.php, replace
    php ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . PATH_SEPARATOR . $SUMA_SERVER_PATH . PATH_SEPARATOR . $SUMA_SERVER_PATH . '/lib/zend/library'); with php ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . PATH_SEPARATOR . $SUMA_SERVER_PATH . '/service' . PATH_SEPARATOR . $SUMA_SERVER_PATH . '/service/lib/zend/library');
  3. In the config directory:
    1. Copy analysis-config_TEMPALTE.yaml to analysis-config.yaml.
    2. Copy mysql_TEMPLATE.env to mysql.env.
    3. Copy server-config_TEMPALTE.yaml to server-config.yaml.
    4. Open the three files you created in the steps above (analysis-config.yaml, mysql.env, and server-config.yaml) and modify them as appropriate (generating new passwords, etc.).
  4. From the main directory of this repository, run docker-compose up, or, if you'd like to re-build the images, docker-compose up --build. If you would like to run the containers detached from the current shell, you can add -d: docker-compose up -d.
  5. To stop the container:
    1. If attached, you can use Ctrl+C.
    2. If detached, you can use docker-compose down.
      Volume data should persist across times you bring the containers up or down. If you would like to wipe the container data, you can use docker-compose down --volumes.
  6. To get a shell with the html container, you can use docker exec -i -t suma_web /bin/bash.
  7. To back up container data (e.g., from the MySQL container), you can use (while the suma_mysql container is running)
source config/mysql.env
docker exec suma_mysql mysqldump -u $MYSQL_USER --password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD $MYSQL_DATABASE > backup.sql 2>backup_errors
  1. Similarly, container data can be restored with the following (while the suma_mysql container is running):
source config/mysql.env
cat backup.sql | docker exec -i suma_mysql /usr/bin/mysql -u $MYSQL_USER --password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD $MYSQL_DATABASE
  1. To access Suma:
    1. The Administration interface is at http://localhost/sumaserver/admin/login.
      The login credentials are set in config/server-config.yaml in the admin section.
    2. The data entry interface is at http://localhost/suma/web.
    3. The analytics interface is at http://localhost/suma/analysis/reports/.


The code in this repository is released under the MIT License.