
Emulator for GunBound Thor's Hammer broker server

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

GunBound Broker Server (Thor's Hammer)

Emulates the GunBound classic broker server, which powers the World selection screen.

World Select Screenshot


A set official-looking GunBound server files were leaked many years ago. Conspicuously missing was a broker server, and homebrew alternatives were proprietary and lacking in features.


  • Flexible server list, described in a directory.json file
  • Every individual server entry can direct to a unique address and port
  • Additional options for setting the server's utilization visual indicator
  • Servers entries can be disabled ("maintenance mode")
  • Open source!


Run either broker.exe for Windows, or broker.py for other platforms (Requires Python 3.x). Take a look at directory.json to see examples of server configurations.


  • By default, the GunBound broker runs on port 8372 (TCP).
  • The client can connect to a different IP/Port by changing the values of IP and port at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SoftNyx\GunBound. Omit Wow6432Node for 32-bit systems.
  • The client's authentication data is ignored as the actual check is made when connecting to a specific world
  • The avatar bonus effects are enabled/disabled on the game server, not the broker.

GunBound Packet Layout

An example packet (Server -> Client)

Position 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b
Packet Data 0c 00 eb cb 12 13 30 00 ff ff ff ff
00, 01 = Packet size, 00 = LSB, 01 = MSB
02, 03 = Packet sequence
04, 05 = Command
06 ... = Parameters/Data

Packet Sequence

The GunBound packet sequence value is generated from the total sent packets per connection Normally the overall length is stored/incremented per socket, but the broker only uses this once The magic values are taken from function at 0x40B760 in GunBoundServ2.exe (SHA-1: b8fce1f100ef788d8469ca0797022b62f870b79b)

ECX: packet length
0040B799  IMUL CX,CX,43FD ; Multiply packet length with 43FD (int16)
0040B79E  ...
0040B7A1  ...
0040B7A9  ...
0040B7AB  ...
0040B7B2  ADD ECX,FFFFAC03 ; Inverted sign of FFFFAC03 equivalent would be SUB 53FD (implemented below)

The client verifies the packet's integrity and order using the generated value. For the server to verify the client's packet sequence, subtract 0x613D instead

Broker Commands

Client to Server

  • Login Request Command: 0x1310
  • Server List Request Command: 0x1100

Server to Client

  • Server List Response Command: 0x1102
  • Login Response Command: 0x1312
response_success = 0x0000
response_bad_username = 0x0010
response_bad_password = 0x0011
response_banned_user = 0x0030
response_bad_version = 0x0060
