
:skull: Older version of my website (circa 2013-2015) dumped from a previous commit to this repo.

Primary LanguageHTML


Older version of my website (circa 2013-2015) dumped from a previous commit to this repo.

This version of my site represented a couple key changes.

Prior to this version, my site had primarily been about showcasing visual design work I had produced as a typical designer portfolio site would. But in this version, I wanted to move more toward a writing focused site. It felt more like a blog.

This was partly because producing visual design work had become something of a commodity to me in my process, and also because I was seeing my work more and more as the ability to think through problems and uncover solutions rather than just the ability produce visual design artifacts. It was also influenced by being part of a developer-centric world for a few years at this point that exposed me to the proliferation of generated static sites, and hosting via GitHub Pages.

Which leads me to the other key change, a move to a Jekyll based static generated site hosted on GitHub Pages. Around the time I built this version of the site I had just joined GitHub and wanted to dogfood more of our GitHub workflow (i.e. GitHub Flow).

Previously I had been using an SVN based versioning workflow where I'd manually upload files and directories to a server via an FTP client. With this new workflow I was to start using Git and GitHub for my personal site for the first time, GitHub Desktop, GitHub Pages, and Jekyll. This gave me a chance to really immerse myself fully into a GitHub based workflow, which helped me empathize with the developers I was designing for at GitHub.

Redesigning and rebuilding 👈👀 Read more on the blog post about the redesign from the initial ship in 2013.