
Stopword capitalized after abbreviation

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Stopwords appear to be capitalized incorrectly after an abbreviation. For example, using pandoc 2.19.2:

pandoc -t plain -C << EOT 
- id: test
  title: >-
    Test, MS., to the stopword 'to'



Zotero renders this title as “Test, MS., to the Stopword ‘to’” but Pandoc produces “Test, MS., To the Stopword ‘to’”.

(In case this seems far-fetched, the actual title in which I encountered this is Catalogue of the printed books and manuscripts bequeathed by Francis Douce, Esq., to the Bodleian Library.)

jgm commented

Confirmed that this fixes it:

“Test, MS., to the Stopword ‘to’.” n.d.

Many thanks!

Does the last word ‘to’ need to be capitalized? I find citeproc-js (master branch, 738d51c2) produces Test, MS., to the Stopword ‘To’.

I think this is a bug in citeproc-js, but I may be missing something.

Test, MS., to the stopword 'to' results in “Test, MS., to the Stopword ‘To,’” n.d..

Yet Test, MS., to the stopwords 'to' and 'and' results in “Test, MS., to the Stopwords ‘to’ and ‘and.’” n.d. One of these must be incorrect.

The CSL spec says

In both cases, stop words are lowercased, unless they are the first or last word in the string, or follow a colon.

but it doesn't mention the case of quoted stop word. Thus the capitalized ‘To’ seems more reasonable to me but I'm not an native English speaker after all.

I have checked both The Chicago Manual of Style and New Hart's Rules and cannot find anything suggesting that words in quotation marks should be capitalized differently. Let's see what the citeproc-js developers say.