- 11
Short DOI prefix in citations
#136 opened by davidoskky - 7
Non-dropping-particles in authors' family names render differently than what's configured in CSL
#141 opened by alebg - 2
Custom template: How to place CSLReferences at a different part of a document?
#139 opened by hambergerpls - 0
- 2
- 1
Custom Field in CSLJson silently dropped
#137 opened by AliaumeL - 6
`link-bibliography` option does not hyperlink references without URLs in notes
#121 opened by adunning - 3
Author-in-text citations render as superscript
#131 opened by tomshafer - 4
Disambiguation error
#133 opened by mk-uc - 3
- 11
Use citeproc for style development
#128 opened by denismaier - 3
Can I replace the citation key with bibliography?
#130 opened by momodesuka - 1
- 6
Stopword capitalized after abbreviation
#127 opened by adunning - 12
Incorrect sorting of bibliography
#126 opened by jpcirrus - 1
[Help] Author only citations BibTex
#125 opened by bambirombi - 15
- 2
Installing the executable
#124 opened by sati-bodhi - 40
How could citeproc support CSL-M layout?
#120 opened by EroyalBoy - 5
Localizing parts of citations
#122 opened by mknurs - 5
- 7
Reference stripped from the output in cites with position "ibid" and a suffix without a locator
#119 opened by badumont - 2
- 6
- 20
from yaml to csljson converted references show different output of variable note when colon is present
#93 opened by maybegeek - 1
Citations inside listing captions are not resolving
#111 opened by 174n - 0
disambiguation error (note style)
#116 opened by icornelius - 3
How to output raw issued date?
#115 opened by pintergreg - 5
- 1
- 3
- 0
Logic for including a group is not right
#108 opened by jgm - 7
Locator label affecting page range label
#107 opened by JohnCWood - 1
how can I build the executable?
#105 opened by braindevices - 13
- 9
Graceful handling of BibTeX `and others` with style that have `et-al-use-last="true"`
#102 opened by tarleb - 4
URL and accessed date missing from references
#100 opened by shenghxie - 2
position="subsequent" does no evaluate to false inside the <bibliography> element
#99 opened by badumont - 13
Sort order failure in bibliography
#91 opened by ah-dagdelen - 5
Disambiguation failure with note style
#90 opened by ah-dagdelen - 10
- 3
Prevent sorting of citations with prefixes
#89 opened by jdhauck - 4
Support CSL Recommendation for Linked Titles
#86 opened by benrbray - 7
Inner quotes handled incorrectly for it-IT locale.
#87 opened by fiapps - 7
Test failures with -ficu
#83 opened by felixonmars - 2
Failing tests in CI
#81 opened by hololeap - 0
Failing citeproc tests
#82 opened by hololeap - 6
- 11
- 3