
Missing locator after collapsing and grouping

benjaminmoon opened this issue · 5 comments

With multiple citations by the same author in a group, if one contains a suffix the citation is not collapsed, or the locator might be lost.

As an example of what I want/expect:

(Author 2021a, p. 1, b); (Author 2021a, b, p. 6); (Author 2021a, b, et seq.)

What I'm getting:

(Author 2021a, p. 1, b); (Author 2021a, b); (Author 2021a; Author 2021b, et seq.)

I'm using the style file here: https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/blob/master/monographs-of-the-palaeontographical-society.csl

The first citation above is correct, but the second loses the locator and the third (with a suffix) doesn't collapse the citations. I'm uncertain whether this is citeproc or some incorrect setup in the CSL style. Any help would be much appreciated.

I'm using pandoc v. 2.16.2 and citeproc 0.6 installed through homebrew on macOS 12.1.

Here's an example I've used to recreate the issue:

- id: Author2021EJ
    - family: Author
      given: A. A.
  container-title: The Journal
    - year: 2021
      month: 1
  page: 1–5
  title: Article 1
  type: article-journal
  volume: '1'

- id: Author2021EJa
    - family: Author
      given: A. A.
  container-title: The Journal
  issue: '1'
    - year: 2021
      month: 2
  page: 6–10
  title: Article 2
  type: article-journal
  volume: '1'

csl: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/citation-style-language/styles/master/monographs-of-the-palaeontographical-society.csl

# This collapses correctly

[@Author2021EJ, p. 1; @Author2021EJa]

# This doesn't show locator for second citation

[@Author2021EJ; @Author2021EJa, p. 6]

# These don't collapse at all

[@Author2021EJ, *et seq.*; @Author2021EJa]
[@Author2021EJ; @Author2021EJa, *et seq.*]
jgm commented

Collapsing implies grouping.
Grouping can cause problems when there are prefixes and suffixes, because it can reorder citations. Hence we are conservative about doing it in these cases.
The missing locator, though, is definitely a bug.

Okay that makes sense; I think fortunately it's rare enough that I can manually edit the output (or leave it be).

Thanks for your help.

jgm commented

Slightly smaller test case for the disappearing locator:

- id: aa
    - family: Author
      given: A. A.
  container-title: The Journal
    - year: 2021
  page: 1–5
  title: Article 1
  type: article-journal
  volume: '1'

- id: bb
    - family: Author
      given: A. A.
  container-title: The Journal
    - year: 2021
  page: 6–10
  title: Article 2
  type: article-journal
  volume: '1'
csl: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/citation-style-language/styles/master/monographs-of-the-palaeontographical-society.csl

# This doesn't show locator for second citation

[@aa, p. 100; @bb, p. 6]

# By itself is fine

[@bb, p. 6]

jgm commented

Here's a citeproc test case:

>>===== MODE =====>>
<<===== MODE =====<<

>>===== RESULT =====>>
(Dummy 2022a, p. 100, b, p. 6)
<<===== RESULT =====<<

>>===== CITATIONS =====>>
[[ { "id":"a", "locator": "100", "label": "page" },
   { "id":"b", "locator": "6", "label": "page" } ]
<<===== CITATIONS =====<<

>>===== CSL =====>>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<style xmlns="http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl" class="in-text" version="1.0" demote-non-dropping-particle="sort-only" default-locale="en-GB">
    <title>Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society</title>
    <title-short>Monogr. Palaeontogr. Soc.</title-short>
    <link href="http://www.zotero.org/styles/monographs-of-the-palaeontographical-society" rel="self"/>
    <link href="http://www.zotero.org/styles/palaeontology" rel="template"/>
    <link href="https://www.palaeosoc.org/site/page/for-authors/notes/" rel="documentation"/>
    <link href="https://www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?show=instructions&amp;journalCode=tmps20" rel="documentation"/>
      <name>Benjamin Moon</name>
    <category citation-format="author-date"/>
    <category field="biology"/>
    <summary>Some bibliography entries may need plate numbers added or indications of translated titles. Separate formatting for Monographs can be achieved from Zotero by adding 'Publisher Place: London' into the Extra field; this is used as the key to identify these. Similarly 'Number Of Pages' may be added in the Extra field too.</summary>
    <rights license="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
  <macro name="author">
    <names variable="author">
      <name sort-separator=", " initialize-with=". " and="symbol" name-as-sort-order="all" delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="never" form="long">
        <name-part name="family" text-case="capitalize-first" font-variant="small-caps"/>
        <text macro="editor"/>
  <macro name="editor">
    <names variable="editor">
      <name sort-separator=", " initialize-with=". " and="symbol" name-as-sort-order="all" delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="never">
        <name-part name="family" text-case="capitalize-first" font-variant="small-caps"/>
      <label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=".)" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
  <macro name="author-short">
    <names variable="author">
      <name form="short" and="symbol" delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="never" initialize-with=". "/>
      <et-al font-style="italic"/>
        <names variable="editor"/>
        <names variable="translator"/>
  <macro name="year-date">
      <if variable="issued">
        <date variable="issued">
          <date-part name="year"/>
        <text term="no date" form="short"/>
    <text variable="year-suffix"/>
  <macro name="publisher">
    <group delimiter=", ">
      <text variable="publisher"/>
      <text variable="publisher-place"/>
  <macro name="no-pages">
    <group delimiter=" ">
      <text variable="number-of-pages"/>
      <label variable="number-of-pages" form="short" plural="always"/>
  <citation et-al-min="3" et-al-use-first="1" disambiguate-add-year-suffix="true" disambiguate-add-names="false" disambiguate-add-givenname="false" collapse="year-suffix" cite-group-delimiter=", " year-suffix-delimiter=", ">
      <key macro="author"/>
      <key variable="issued"/>
    <layout prefix="(" suffix=")" delimiter="; ">
        <text macro="author-short" suffix=" "/>
        <text macro="year-date"/>
      <group prefix=", " delimiter=" ">
        <label variable="locator" form="short"/>
        <text variable="locator"/>
<<===== CSL =====<<

>>===== INPUT =====>>
    "author": [
        "family": "Dummy",
        "given": "John"
    "id": "a",
    "issued": {
      "date-parts": [
    "title": "A dummy article",
    "type": "article"
    "author": [
        "family": "Dummy",
        "given": "John"
    "id": "b",
    "issued": {
      "date-parts": [
    "title": "Another dummy article",
    "type": "article"

<<===== INPUT =====<<

>>===== VERSION =====>>
<<===== VERSION =====<<

I'm not sure if

(Dummy 2022a, p. 100, b, p. 6)

is the expected output or

(Dummy 2022a, p. 100, Dummy 2022b, p. 6)

For this journal, this is expected (although I appreciate it's not the clearest):

(Dummy 2022a, p. 100, b, p. 6)