
citation-label uses accessed instead of issued date

Closed this issue · 6 comments


pandoc -i content.md --citeproc --bibliography bib.json --csl style.csl


<p><span class="citation" data-cites="ppo">[SWDR21]</span></p>

Expected Output:

<p><span class="citation" data-cites="ppo">[SWDR17]</span></p>

If I remove the "accessed" field completely from the json, the problem goes away.

The related code is probably somewhere here:

Just (DateVal d) -> getYear d




    "URL": "http://arxiv.org/abs/1707.06347",
    "author": [
        "family": "Schulman",
        "given": "John"
        "family": "Wolski",
        "given": "Filip"
        "family": "Dhariwal",
        "given": "Prafulla"
        "family": "Radford",
        "given": "Alec"
        "family": "Klimov",
        "given": "Oleg"
    "container-title": "arXiv:1707.06347 [cs]",
    "id": "ppo",
    "issued": {
      "date-parts": [[2017, 8]]
    "accessed": {
      "date-parts": [[2021, 7, 19]]
    "keyword": "Computer Science - Machine Learning",
    "note": "arXiv: 1707.06347",
    "title": "Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithms",
    "type": "article-journal"


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    <link href="https://journals.ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/your-role-in-article-production/ieee-editorial-style-manual/" rel="documentation"/>
      <name>Michael Berkowitz</name>
      <name>Julian Onions</name>
      <name>Rintze Zelle</name>
      <name>Stephen Frank</name>
      <name>Sebastian Karcher</name>
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            <text value=" [Online]"/>
      <text macro="access"/>
jgm commented

Sure enough, we're just taking the first date variable in the list.
How should it work? Should this always be issued (and nothing if there is no issued variable)? Or should it try for issued and fall back to something else?

In general I'd say it should use the same logic as is used for the year in normal author-year styles.. seems to work "as expected" for those? The accessed date would be wrong there too..

Other than that, I'd say it should maybe be issued, fall back to submitted, then either fall back to accessed or directly throw an error / show ??.

jgm commented

it should use the same logic as is used for the year in normal author-year styles

There's no fixed logic for this; it all depends on the CSL style. But in chicago-author-date, it goes issued -> status -> no-date term.

jgm commented

See citation-style-language/schema#295
It looks like CSL is moving to making the citation label generation explicit in styles.
So in the future this will have to be handled differently, but for now I can just change the code to privilege issued.

it all depends on the CSL style

Ah, didn't know that. And I guess it's not flexible in the "label" style since for some reason no one uses it? Then yeah forcing it to use issued seems like a good idea.

jgm commented

Note that you can explicitly specify a citation-label variable in your bibliography, to avoid the autogenerated one.