
Well-typed system for generating documents in multiple formats

Primary LanguageHaskellBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Well-typed system for generating documents in multiple formats.

To try it:

stack install
export GHC_PACKAGE_PATH=`stack path --snapshot-pkg-db`:
grammata LaTeX test.gram
grammata Html test.gram
grammata PDF test.gram # requires xetex

Take a look at test.gram, the source.

Then look at Grammata/Format/Html.hs and Grammata/Format/LaTeX.hs, and Grammata/Format/PDF.hs.

You can see how typed Haskell definitions map on to commands in the tex-like syntax of test.gram.

So this is like TeX, but with all the power of a typed, general-purpose programming language, and an easy way of generalizing to multiple output formats.

To see how the types work, try changing heading{2} in test.gram to heading{22.3}. Or add \para{\emph{\para{a}}}.

Note that, with the exception of things like today, the definitions are mostly polymorphic; they can be run in the IO monad, if you're trusting and need your document generation to do IO, or in another monad (like Maybe), if you want security guarantees. Eventually I'll add a --safe mode to grammata.

Fuller description and examples TBD.