
SpriteKit Flappy Bird like game prototype in Swift

Primary LanguageSwift


##SpriteKit Flappy Bird like game prototype in Swift

swifty is a prototype game written in Apple's new programming language, Swift.

Update 07/11/2014: Updated and refactored code to work with Xcode 6 Beta 3 and improve game structure and performance.

I wrote this to go through the exercise of thinking out a simple game I might write in Objective-C in the new language.

This game is a prototype with unfinished features and functionality. I also haven't impelemented any addon features yet like GameKit, iAd or iCloud. I might get the bug to do that later, for now this was really just for playing with Swift.

swifty is known to compile and run fine on with Xcode 6 Beta on OSX 10.10 (Yosemite), the iOS8 Simulator and devices running iOS8 beta.

swifty demo