My ESPHome Configs


Configuration files for the microcontrollers I have doing various tasks using esphome. I'm making use of !include directives to try to limit duplication as much as I can.

Common configurations

In the /common directory you'll find small YAML chunks intended to be included in other files. Some files (e.g. esp8266.yaml) simply !include other files common to that specific board or model. Inside /common/includes there is a trivial example of how custom C++ code beyond a lambda can be included in a project.


The host devices/microcontrollers I'm using:

Temperature sensors

I'm using a DHT22/AM2302 temperature and humidity sensor for measuring temperature and humidity in a few rooms. So far they seem to be about as accurate as the Nest temperature sensors. These devices require you to solder a 4.7kΩ pull-up resistor on the data line, but the ones from the link above already come with the resistor in place so they can be used right away.

Oven temperature

This requires both a K-Type thermocouple and a [MAX6675 thermocouple sensor module)( No soldering is required. It seems to be accurate to within a couple degrees Celsius so I wouldn't use it if you need something highly accurate but for an oven sensor it's more than adequate. I've also attached a TM1637 4-digit LED segment display to display the temperature reported by the thermocouple.

Note that everything in ESPHome is in degrees Celsius. If you need degrees Fahrenheit, /common/includes/temperature.h and /common/includes/temperature_conversion.yaml have a conversion function.