


- 10x10 for current player
- 10x10 for opponent

ship tokens

- carrier (5)
- battleship (4)
- cruiser (3)
- submarine (3)
- destroyer (2)

▕          ▏
▕  ●●●     ▏
▕          ▏
▕    ●     ▏
▕    ●     ▏
▕      ●   ▏
▕          ▏
▕    ● ●   ▏
▕          ▏
▕          ▏
▕█████     ▏
▕       ●  ▏
▕    █     ▏
▕    ●     ▏
▕    █  ██ ▏
▕    █     ▏
▕          ▏
▕      ███ ▏
▕          ▏
▕   ███    ▏

battleship splash screen

- load controls from file
- load scores from leaderboard file

welcome menu

- start new game
- load saved game (only if saved games exist)
- high scores leaderboard (only if leaderboard is not empty)
- controls
- quit

player selection screen

- one player (vs AI)
- two player (hotseat)
- two player (online)
- no player (AI vs AI)

AI difficulty selection

- easy: random missiles
- medium: random missiles, concentrate fire around hits
- hard: probability density function 

player one/two splash screen (hotseat only)

display board and place pieces

- initialize piece placement
	- randomized
	- collision detection
- piece movement (arrow keys)
- piece rotation (space key)
- piece selection (tab and color)
- finalize placement of all pieces (enter key)
- collision detection 
	- when finalizing placement only
	- with other pieces
	- with edge of board

AI board and piece placement (one player only)

- easy: randomly place pieces (same as initialization for player)
- medium: random but replace if pieces are adjacent
- hard: same as medium

gameplay start

- change to two-board view
	- top board: tracking board for this player's guesses (enemy board)
	- bottom board: tracking board for this player's ships (player board)
- randomly select start player
	- indicate player turn on screen
- player one/two splash screen (hotseat only)
- initialize board with current player's ship placement
- graphics: 
	- cursor: blue circle
	- hit: red circle
	- miss: white circle
	- cursor over hit or miss: grey circle
- keys: 
	- move cursor: arrow keys
	- fire: enter key
	- escape: save and quit
		- save game splash screen
		- hotseat only: enter name for current player's turn
		- enter to confirm save and exit to menu
- check win condition after every turn
- AI turn: 
	- [see above](#AI difficulty selection)
- winner splash screen! 
- score: missiles used (winners only)
- show leaderboard top 10 scores
	 - local saved top scores
	 - save to leaderboard.csv
	 - save as a binary file to prevent tampering!
	 - save as encrypted file 
- if new high score, enter player username
- hit enter: go back to welcome menu

load saved game menu

- display list of saved games
- game type and timestamp
- for hotseat games: "Two player, Julieta's turn" include player name
- arrow keys move up/down list
- enter to select game
	- display board
	- "load this game?"
	- enter to confirm 
	- backspace to cancel, back to saved games list
	- escape to go back to welcome menu

controls screen

- display current controls
- arrow keys to scroll through controls
- enter to edit
- press new key for control
- update display of controls
- save controls to file
- reset to defaults option