
A Docker sandbox in ubuntu setup with asdf to start adding plug-ins.

Primary LanguageDockerfile


A Docker sandbox in ubuntu setup with asdf to start adding plug-ins.

To build: docker build -t asdf:latest .

To Run: docker run -it -v ${PWD}/src:/home/src --name coding-practice-python asdf bash

To run Python code just Cd into src (optional)

Run the scripts: $ python test.py

Expanding to other plug-ins (languages)

You can use the base image in the Dockerfile to add new plugins. Follow the pattern:

# Python
FROM base as asdf-python
RUN apt-get -y install build-essential zlib1g-dev libssl-dev
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "--login", "-c"] 
RUN asdf plugin add python
RUN asdf install python 3.10.8
RUN asdf global python 3.10.8

By first adding the dependencies, change the shell to use a login session so it loads the ~/.bashrc file and hence the asdf CLI and then add and install the desired plug-in.

You'll find the list of all availables plugins here.

If you want to just get started writting and running python scripts you can download the Docker image ready to run here. You just need to pull the image and Run it as described previously.

$ docker pull jgonzalezd/asdf
$ docker run -it -v ${PWD}/src:/home/src --name coding-practice-python jgonzalezd/asdf bash
> python src/test.py