
Capture packet data from a computer's network interface in a scalable manner and making it available to search and filter across the most commonly used fields

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Mercury Packet Archiver

Reads packet from a network interface or file(s), archives, and indexes them.


This assumes you are running everything on localhost. If the server is going to be on another host, you will likely need to generate certificates; see Certificates below. These examples use the test data downloaded from NETRESEC, which can be found in the testdata directory in git (be sure to gunzip testdata/4SICS-GeekLounge-151020.pcap.gz first).

  1. Load some data:

    ./bin/mercury-darwin-amd64 capture -l info --file ./testdata/4SICS-GeekLounge-151020.pcap

Note: To read from multiple files, just use multiple --file <filename> arguments, but all of the files should be from the same day in order to be indexed properly.

  1. Start the query server:

    ./bin/mercury-darwin-amd64 serve -l info --cert ./certs/localhost.crt --key ./certs/localhost.key --server-name localhost
  2. Execute queries with the client:

    ./bin/mercury-darwin-amd64 query --ca-path ./certs/AAI.crt --server-name localhost --show-all --start 2015-10-20 --duration 24h --query-type port 57711
    ./bin/mercury-darwin-amd64 query -c ./certs/AAI.crt --server-name localhost -a -s 2015-10-20 -d 24h -q ip
    ./bin/mercury-darwin-amd64 query -c ./certs/AAI.crt --server-name localhost -s 2015-10-20 -d 24h -q protocol UDP

If query command is run without --show-all the output is very similar to using tcpdump -q -nn; using show-all shows all of the details of each of four layers corresponding to the 4 layers of the TCP/IP layering scheme, roughly anagalous to layers 2, 3, 4, and 7 of the OSI model; for example, IPv4 and IPv6 are both considered Network Layer, while TCP and UDP are both Transport Layer.

  1. Save output to a pcap file:

    ./bin/mercury-darwin-amd64 query -l info --ca-path ./certs/AAI.crt --server-name localhost --start 2015-10-20 --duration 24h --binary --query-type ip > output.pcap
    tcpdump -nn -r output.pcap
  2. Redirect output to tshark:

    ./bin/mercury-darwin-amd64 query -l info --ca-path ./certs/AAI.crt --server-name localhost --start 2015-10-20 --duration 24h --binary --query-type ip | tshark -r -
  3. Run a query with certificate chain and host name verficiation disabled (susceptible to a machine-in-the-middle attack) by not including the --ca-path and --server-name options:

    ./bin/mercury-darwin-amd64 query -l info --start 2015-10-20 --duration 24h --query-type ip
  4. Run an http query with curl:

    curl "localhost:8123/v1/q?startTime=2015-10-20T00:00:00Z&duration=24h&queryType=ip&query="
  5. Run an http query with curl, getting response base64 encoded:

    curl "localhost:8123/v1/q?startTime=2015-10-20T00:00:00Z&duration=24h&queryType=ip&query="

To capture data from a network interface, run something like the following: ./bin/mercury-darwin-amd64 capture -l info -i en0. See ./bin/mercury-darwin-amd64 capture --help for more information. To spread the captured pcap data across multiple directories (potentially on different disks), use multiple --pcap-path=<di> options; this can be used to improve performance when there are multiple drives.


To generate certificates, follow the instructions below using certstrap:

  1. Initialize a new certificate authority:

    CN=$(whoami) # or AAI-Group or division name
    certstrap --depot-path certs init --common-name $CN --expires "10 years" --organization ORNL --country US --province TN --passphrase ""
  2. Request a certificate, including keypair:

    CN=$(hostname) # or localhost or other FQDN
    certstrap --depot-path certs request-cert --common-name $CN --domain $CN --organization ORNL --country US --province TN --passphrase ""
  3. Sign certificate request of host and generate the certificate:

    CN=$(hostname) # or localhost or other FQDN
    certstrap --depot-path certs sign $CN --CA AAI --expires "10 years" --passphrase ""


  1. Install go and set the GOPATH (this is where the go modules will be installed): export GOPATH=$HOME/go.

  2. Install mage:

    cd /tmp
    git clone https://github.com/magefile/mage
    cd mage
    go run bootstrap.go
  3. Install libpcap. On Ubuntu: sudo apt install libpcap-dev. On Mac: brew install libpcap.

  4. Install protocol buffer compiler. On Ubuntu: sudo apt install protobuf-compiler. On Mac: brew install protobuf.

  5. Build

    cd /path/to/mercury
    mage build


Each packet is processed through a several stage pipeline. The Interface Reader stage reads packets from an interface and passes them to the Scheduler. The Scheduler assigns a path and filename, then passes the packet along to one of several PCAP Writers, balancing the byte count to each writer, and requesting new files as needed. The PCAP writers then passes the packet to the Packet Data Extractor, which extract the protocol, addresses, and ports information from the packet, then passes the packet to the Indexer. The Indexer creates an in memory index for the current set of files open in the PCAP Writers using the data from the Packet Data Extractor, and once the PCAP Writers close the file, passes the in memory index on to the Index Writer. The Index Writer writes the in memory index to a Badger DB.

The following is a list of the processing stages in the order that packets move through them. Information moves through the stages encapsulated in a Message

Interface Reader

Reads packets from a system interface and inserts them into the pipeline.

Output Messages

| Type               | Payload                  | Type                   | Description                            |
| msgTypePacket      | > msgPayloadPacket       | gopacket.Packet        | Packet metadata and bytes              |


Balances the load by byte count to multiple PCAP writers. Creates PCAP and index file base names based on date. Decides when a new file needs to be started based on file size or time limit.

Output Messages

| Type               | Payload                  | Type                   | Description                            |
| msgTypeNewPcapFile | > msgPayloadPcapPathBase | string                 | Directory to store PCAP file           |
|                    | > msgPayloadPcapFilename | string                 | Base file name for PCAP file           |
|                    | > msgPayloadPcapIdx      | byte                   | Uniquely indicates PCAP writer         |
|                    |                          |                        |                                        |
| msgTypePacket      | msgPayloadPacket         | gopacket.Packet        | Packet metadata and bytes              |
|                    | > msgPayloadPcapIdx      | byte                   | Uniquely indicates PCAP writer         |      

PCAP Writer

Writes PCAP data to a file. There will be multiple instances of this stage. Creates new PCAP files in response to the scheduler requests. Notifies subsequent stages when a PCAP file has been closed.

Output Messages

| Type               | Payload                  | Type                   | Description                            |
| msgTypeFileClosed  | > msgPayloadPcapFilename | string                 | Base file name for PCAP file           |
|                    | > msgPayloadPcapIdx      | byte                   | Uniquely indicates PCAP writer         |
|                    |                          |                        |                                        |
| msgTypeNewPcapFile | msgPayloadPcapPathBase   | string                 | Directory to store PCAP file           |
|                    | msgPayloadPcapFilename   | string                 | Base file name for PCAP file           |
|                    | msgPayloadPcapIdx        | byte                   | Uniquely indicates PCAP writer         |
|                    |                          |                        |                                        |
| msgTypePacket      | msgPayloadPacket         | gopacket.Packet        | Packet metadata and bytes              |
|                    | msgPayloadPcapIdx        | byte                   | Uniquely indicates PCAP writer         |      
|                    | > msgPayloadOffset       | uint32                 | Offset in the PCAP file for packet     |
|                    | > msgPayloadPcapFilename | string                 | Base file name for PCAP file           |         

Packet Data Extractor

Extracts the protocol, source IP, source port, destination IP, and destination port from the packet.

Output Messages

| Type               | Payload                  | Type                   | Description                            |
| msgTypeFileClosed  | msgPayloadPcapFilename   | string                 | Base file name for PCAP file           |
|                    | msgPayloadPcapIdx        | byte                   | Uniquely indicates PCAP writer         |
|                    |                          |                        |                                        |
| msgTypeNewPcapFile | msgPayloadPcapPathBase   | string                 | Directory to store PCAP file           |
|                    | msgPayloadPcapFilename   | string                 | Base file name for PCAP file           |
|                    | msgPayloadPcapIdx        | byte                   | Uniquely indicates PCAP writer         |
|                    |                          |                        |                                        |
| msgTypePacket      | msgPayloadPacket         | gopacket.Packet        | Packet metadata and bytes              |
|                    | msgPayloadPcapIdx        | byte                   | Uniquely indicates PCAP writer         |      
|                    | msgPayloadOffset         | uint32                 | Offset in the PCAP file for packet     |
|                    | msgPayloadPcapFilename   | string                 | Base file name for PCAP file           |
|                    | > msgPayloadSrcMAC       | net.HardwareAddr       | Source MAC address                     |
|                    | > msgPayloadDstMAC       | net.HardwareAddr       | Destination MAC addre                  |
|                    | > msgPayloadIPProto      | uint8                  | Packet protocol                        |
|                    | > msgPayloadSrcIP        | net.IP                 | Source IP address                      |
|                    | > msgPayloadSrcPort      | uint16                 | Source port                            |
|                    | > msgPayloadDstIP        | net.IP                 | Destination IP address                 |
|                    | > msgPaylodDstPort       | uint16                 | Destination Port                       |


Caches index data in memory. When a mstTypeFileClosed is received from all of the PCAP writers, the in memory index is passed on to the index writer stage.

Output Messages

| Type               | Payload                     | Type                   | Description                            |
| msgTypeMemoryIndex | > msgPayloadMemoryIndex     | MemIndex               | In memory index                        |
|                    | > msgPayloadMemoryIndexFile | string                 | Base file name for the index           |

Index Writer

Receives a in memory access data structure from the indexer stage and writes the data out to a Badger DB. The Badger DB key and value entries are in the following format:


| Record Type (byte) | Data (1 to 16 bytes) | Length (bytes) |
| 0                  | MAC Address          | 6              |
| 1                  | Protocol             | 1              |
| 2                  | IPv4 Address         | 4              |
| 3                  | IPv6 Address         | 16             |    
| 4                  | Port                 | 2              |


| PCAP Idx (1 byte) | PCAP file offset (4 bytes) |