this is a depreciated repo

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

SwiftRiver Content Duplication Service (SiCDS)


SiCDS is a simple web service that allows registered clients to POST in identifying information about some content items, and it will indicate whether each item is unique or duplicate based on whether that client has asked about that item before.

An item is uniquely identified by a collection of duplicate identification fields (difs). Each dif has a type and a value. Two different collections of difs can both uniquely identify the same content item. When asking about a given item, a client can therefore include several collections of difs, and if the client has asked about any one of them before, the item will be identified as duplicate. Only if the client has asked about none of the given dif collections before will the item be identified to it as unique.

When processing an item, if a recognized dif collection is encountered, any remaining dif collections will continue to be processed even though the item is already known to be duplicate, i.e. all encountered dif collections will be remembered.

Clients must supply an authorized API key in order to use SiCDS. New keys may be registered by clients with a superkey via the /register API (see below).


Here is an example request:

curl http://SiCDS/ -d '{"key": "client1",
    "contentItems": [
        {"id": "item1", "difcollections": [
            {"name": "names", "difs": [
                {"type": "first", "value": "Homer"},
                {"type": "last", "value": "Simpson"}
            {"name": "address", "difs": [
                {"type": "street", "value": "742 Evergreen Terrace"},
                {"type": "city", "value": "Springfield"}
            {"name": "social security number", "difs": [
                {"type": "SSN", "value": "123-45-6789"}

This would result in a response like:

{"key": "client1", "results": [{"id": "item1", "result": "unique"}]}

if client1 had never before submitted any of the above dif collections.

If client1 then makes the following request:

curl http://SiCDS/ -d '{"key": "client1",
    "contentItems": [
        {"id": "item2", "difcollections": [
            {"name": "social security number", "difs": [
                {"type": "SSN", "value": "123-45-6789"}

then the response will be:

{"key": "client1", "results": [{"id": "item2", "result": "duplicate"}]}

since client1 has already submitted that dif collection before.

To register a new API key, POST to /register with a valid superkey like so:

curl http://SiCDS/register -d '{
    "superkey": "abracadabra", "newkey": "simsalabim"}'

The response will be something like:

{"key": "simsalabim", "result": "registered"}

or possibly:

{"key": "simsalabim", "result": "already registered"}

A request made with an unauthorized API key will result in a 403 Forbidden response.

SiCDS will also reject any request larger than a certain size (currently 1024 bytes). Such a request will result in a 413 Request Entity Too Large response.

Requirements and Installation

It is recommended that you install SiCDS inside a virtualenv. This can be most easily achieved with something like:

$ virtualenv sicds-env
$ sicds-env/bin/pip install -r http://github.com/jab/SiCDS/raw/master/requirements.txt

Once installed, the following will launch SiCDS in a basic Python WSGI server listening on port 8625, with a temporary (in-memory) data store, and logging to stdout:

$ sicds-env/bin/sicdsapp

Pass in a configuration file to change any of these settings. See example-config.py for examples.

SiCDS is intended to be configured to use a persistent data store so that the data survive restarts. Currently the following stores are supported:

Run "pip install {CouchDB, pymongo}" to install the Python drivers for the data store you'd like to use, and point SiCDS to a corresponding running store in your config.py (e.g. store="couchdb://localhost:5984/sicds_dev"). On next launch SiCDS will use the configured backend, creating the specified database (e.g. "sicds_dev") in it if it doesn't exist already.

SiCDS comes with automated tests exercising the API and verifying correct results with all the supported data stores. To run the tests, first install WebTest, locate the test runner in the tests/ directory, comment out any test configurations you don't want to run (such as those for data stores you don't have running), and then run the file. You should see something like:

$ tests/test_app.py
TmpStore:   ..............
CouchStore: ..............
MongoStore: ..............

42 test(s) passed, 0 failed.


SiCDS is a WSGI application. As such, it can be deployed with any WSGI server. The sicds.app.main function serves SiCDS using the basic reference WSGI server built into Python, but a script has also been provided to run SiCDS in Tornado (see tornado_runner.py). For other servers, see their accompanying documentation.
