
Basic Hibernate example

Primary LanguageJava

#This project covers basic hibernate concepts

Concepts Covered

1)CRUD operations
2)Embedding value types
3)Saving collections
4)Eager and Lazy fetching
5)Primary key auto generation strategy
6)One to One mapping
7)One to Many mapping
8)Many to One mapping
9)Many to Many mapping
10)Cascade types
11)Single Table strategy
12)Table per Class startegy
13)Joined strategy
14)Transient, Persistent and Detached objects
15)HQL and HQL pagination
16)Named queries and named native queries
17)Criteria API
19)Query by Example

Points to be noted

  • Make sure HSQL DB server is running before running the test case. (Download HSQL DB from https://sourceforge.net/projects/hsqldb/files/ )
  • Run individual test cases inside /HibernateSample/src/test/java/com/home/hibernate/test/HibernateTest.java as JUnit test.
  • TestCase name is self explanatory
  • Modify the hibernate.cfg.xml file as per your DB details
  • After running the test case, check the console output to understand the flow
  • Comment non related annotations (refer the entity class annotations and the test case)
  • Uncomment the required annotations(refer the entity class annotations and the test case)

Note: This project needs to be refactored to use best practices which will be done later. As of now this code should be used only for understanding purposes.

  • Note: Run individual test cases instead of running all the test cases together to understand better. Comment non related annotations and uncomment required annotations by refering the test case and entity class so that you will not get confused.