
[haxelib] Helps generate externs for native libraries

Primary LanguageHaxe


Helps generate externs for native libraries.

Current Features

  • Generate externs from manually defined XML
  • Generate JS externs for libraries supporting JSDuck and YUIDoc
  • Initial support for binding native C++ libraries


BuildHX is simple to use:

haxelib run buildhx [options] build.xml

...where options are:

  • -v, -verbose Verbose output.
  • -Dkey Define key.
  • -lpath Include path.
  • key=value Define key with a value.

"build.xml" is your XML definitions file:

	<source path="path_to_folder_with_js_files" parser="jsduck|yuidoc|cpp" />
	<type name="name" remap="new_name" />
	<class name="name" ignore="true" native="native_name" header="native_header" type="type" extends="parent_class_name" implements="a,b" config="true">
	    <import name="name" />
	    <property type="Dynamic" getter="getter" setter="setter" native="native_name" ignore="true" owner="owner" static="true" />
	    <static-property type="Dynamic" getter="getter" setter="setter" native="native_name" ignore="true" owner="" />
	    <method name="name" native="" ignore="true" owner="" parameters="" params="" return="" static="true">
	        <parameter name="name" type="type" optional="true" />
	        <return type="" />
	    <static-method  name="name" native="" ignore="true" owner="" parameters="" params="" return="">
	        <parameter name="name" type="type" optional="true" />
	        <return type="" />
	    <constructor native="native_name" ignore="true" owner="" parameters="" params="" static="true">
	        <parameter name="name" type="type" optional="true" />
	<output path="path_to_folder" namespace="custom_namespace" native="native_namespace" />
	<library name="ndll_file_name_without extension" type="cpp" />