
CSS2 and CSS3 parser written in Haxe (for cross-platform compatibility)

Primary LanguageHaxeMIT LicenseMIT


CSS2 and CSS3 parser written in Haxe (for cross-platform compatibility)

Based on Rework's css parser


Parse a css string:

import haxe.ds.StringMap;
import hxcss.Parser;

class Main

	static function main()
		var cssString = "body {background: #eee;color: #888;}"; //"foo,bar,baz{color:'black';}";
		var AST = Parser.parse(cssString, ["source" => 'foobar.css']);


AST: This parser returns a valid haxe data Map as the Abstract syntax tree.

	type => stylesheet, 
	stylesheet => 
			parsingErrors => [], 
			rules => [
					position => [
						source => foobar.css, 
						start => [line => 1, column => 1],
						end => [line => 1, column => 25]
					selectors => [body], 
					type => rule, 
					declarations => [
							position => [
								source => foobar.css, 
								start => [line => 1, column => 7], 
								end => [line => 1, column => 23]
							type => declaration, 
							property => background, 
							value => #eee


hxcss.parse(code, [options])

Accepts a CSS string and returns an AST Map<String, T>.


  • silent: silently fail on parse errors.
  • source: the path to the file containing css. Makes errors and source maps more helpful, by letting them know where code comes from.


var ast = hxcss.Parser.parse('body { font-size: 12px; }', [ "source" => 'source.css' ]);

AST Structure

Common properties

All nodes have the following properties.


Information about the position in the source string that corresponds to the node.

Map<String, T> =>

  • start => Map<String, T>
    • line => Number.
    • column => Number.
  • end => Map<String, T>:
    • line => Number.
    • column => Number.
  • source: String or null. The value of options.source if passed to hxcss.Parser.parse. Otherwise null.
  • content: String. The full source string passed to hxcss.Parser.parse.

The line and column numbers are 1-based: The first line is 1 and the first column of a line is 1 (not 0).

The position property lets you know from which source file the node comes from (if available), what that file contains, and what part of that file was parsed into the node.


String. The possible values are the ones listed in the Types section below.


A reference to the parent node, or null if the node has no parent.


The available values of node.get("type") are listed below, as well as the available properties of each node (other than the common properties listed above.)


The root node returned by hxcss.Parser.parse.

  • stylesheet: Map<String, T>:
    • rules: Array of nodes with the types rule, comment and any of the at-rule types.


  • selectors: Array of Strings. The list of selectors of the rule, split on commas. Each selector is trimmed from whitespace and comments.
  • declarations: Array of nodes with the types declaration and comment.


  • property: String. The property name, trimmed from whitespace and comments. May not be empty.
  • value: String. The value of the property, trimmed from whitespace and comments. Empty values are allowed.


A rule-level or declaration-level comment. Comments inside selectors, properties and values etc. are lost.

  • comment: String. The part between the starting /* and the ending */ of the comment, including whitespace.


The @charset at-rule.

  • charset: String. The part following @charset .


The @custom-media at-rule.

  • name: String. The ---prefixed name.
  • media: String. The part following the name.


The @document at-rule.

  • document: String. The part following @document .
  • vendor: String or null. The vendor prefix in @document, or undefined if there is none.
  • rules: Array of nodes with the types rule, comment and any of the at-rule types.


The @font-face at-rule.

  • declarations: Array of nodes with the types declaration and comment.


The @host at-rule.

  • rules: Array of nodes with the types rule, comment and any of the at-rule types.


The @import at-rule.

  • import: String. The part following @import .


The @keyframes at-rule.

  • name: String. The name of the keyframes rule.
  • vendor: String or undefined. The vendor prefix in @keyframes, or undefined if there is none.
  • keyframes: Array of nodes with the types keyframe and comment.


  • values: Array of Strings. The list of “selectors” of the keyframe rule, split on commas. Each “selector” is trimmed from whitespace.
  • declarations: Array of nodes with the types declaration and comment.


The @media at-rule.

  • media: String. The part following @media .
  • rules: Array of nodes with the types rule, comment and any of the at-rule types.


The @namespace at-rule.

  • namespace: String. The part following @namespace .


The @page at-rule.

  • selectors: Array of Strings. The list of selectors of the rule, split on commas. Each selector is trimmed from whitespace and comments.
  • declarations: Array of nodes with the types declaration and comment.


The @supports at-rule.

  • supports: String. The part following @supports .
  • rules: Array of nodes with the types rule, comment and any of the at-rule types.