
Search and play video content from PBS.org

Primary LanguagePython


Search and play video content from PBS.org

There's not much here in the way of features or pizzazz. This is a dumb CLI tool that makes basic API calls; it doesn't even format the output nicely!


Installation is managed via the Makefile. The makefile just installs some python packages. It's simple.

git clone https://github.com/jgrasser/pbs.git
cd pbs
make install


API Documentation

Get Member Stations


Parameter Description
statecode 2 character code for a US State. Examples include IL, CA, NY, etc.


GET - https://jaws.pbs.org/localization/member/state/:statecode/


    "stations_list": [
            "address": "Urbana, IL",
            "callsign": "WILL",
            "common_name": "Illinois Public Media",
            "common_name_short": "WILL-TV",
            "flagship": "WILL",
            "membership_url": "https://willpledge.org/",
            "pbs_id": "11bd36cd-46d5-4c3a-bdc8-ae497a23c712",
            "pdp": false

Query PBS Shows


Parameter Description
pbs-id 36 character identifier obtained from member station api call above


POST - https://www.pbs.org/graphql


    "operationName": "Shows",
    "variables": {
        "page": 0,
        "genre": "all-genres",
        "sortBy": "popular",
        "source": "all-sources",
        "stationId": :pbs-id,
        "title": "",
        "alphabetically": false
    "query": "query Shows($page: Int, $genre: String, $source: String, $stationId: String, $sortBy: String, $title: String, $alphabetically: Boolean) {shows(page: $page, genre: $genre, source: $source, stationId: $stationId, sortBy: $sortBy, title: $title, alphabetically: $alphabetically) {content { title genre description image url website cid __typename } meta { pageNumber totalPages totalResults __typename} stationCommonName __typename}}"


    "shows": [
            "__typename": "Show",
            "cid": "033db3e2-3d1f-4c0f-8cd7-746578cb74d8",
            "description": "Since its launch in 2012, the PBS Online Film Festival has featured diverse films from PBS member stations and ITVS and POV. This year's festival includes collaborations with a wide variety of public television producers. Starting July 13, viewers can once again watch, vote and share their favorites. Find out how to vote for your favorites at pbs.org/filmfestival",
            "genre": [
            "image": "https://image.pbs.org/contentchannels/XLtKO9n-show-poster2x3-H4SwmKp.jpg",
            "title": "PBS Short Film Festival",
            "url": "/show/pbs-online-film-festival/",
            "website": "https://www.pbs.org/filmfestival"

Get Show Seasons


Parameter Description
show-name The name of the show you want to watch. Example is nova.


GET - https://www.pbs.org/show/:show-name/seasons-list/


    "content": [
            "ancestor_slug": null,
            "ancestor_title": null,
            "ancestor_type": null,
            "cid": "c0537bb4-2bf2-4876-82cd-cc3ac922a037",
            "flags": {
                "has_assets": true,
                "has_episodes": true
            "image": "https://image.pbs.org/video-assets/sm4FufA-asset-mezzanine-16x9-3vXOfLV.jpg",
            "images": {
                "asset-mezzanine-16x9": "https://image.pbs.org/video-assets/sm4FufA-asset-mezzanine-16x9-3vXOfLV.jpg"
            "item_type": "season",
            "legacy_tp_media_id": null,
            "ordinal": 47,
            "parent_type": null,
            "summary": "",
            "title": "",
            "title_sortable": "",
            "url": "https://content.services.pbs.org/v3/pbsorg/screens/shows/nova/seasons/c0537bb4-2bf2-4876-82cd-cc3ac922a037/"

Get Episodes in a Season


Parameter Description
show-name The name of the show you want to watch. Example is nova.
season-cid Unique identifier for a season of a show. Reference output of seasons-list above.


GET - https://www.pbs.org/show/:show-name/seasons/:season-cid/episodes/


    "content": [
            "ancestor_slug": "nova",
            "ancestor_title": "NOVA",
            "ancestor_type": "show",
            "availability": "available",
            "cid": "4255528e-0a63-4c52-b8fe-dc8c9353a3d2",
            "description_long": "The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has upended life as we know it in a matter of months. But at the same time, an unprecedented global effort to understand and contain the virus\u2014and find a treatment for the disease it causes\u2014is underway. Join doctors on the front lines of the fight against COVID-19 as they strategize to stop the spread, and meet the researchers racing to develop treatments and vaccines.",
            "description_short": "Scientists race to understand and defeat the coronavirus behind the COVID-19 pandemic.",
            "duration": 3218,
            "encore_date": "2020-05-13T00:00:00-04:00",
            "expire_date": "2023-05-13T03:59:59Z",
            "flags": {
                "has_captions": true,
                "is_expiring_soon": false,
                "is_fully_watched": null,
                "is_mvod": false,
                "is_new": false
            "image": "https://image.pbs.org/video-assets/j2MoiWW-asset-mezzanine-16x9-nSazGBW.jpg",
            "images": {
                "asset-mezzanine-16x9": "https://image.pbs.org/video-assets/j2MoiWW-asset-mezzanine-16x9-nSazGBW.jpg"
            "item_type": "video",
            "legacy_tp_media_id": 3042320248,
            "parent_type": "episode",
            "premiere_date": "2020-05-13T00:00:00-04:00",
            "seconds_watched": null,
            "show": {
                "display_episode_number": true,
                "episode": 9,
                "season": 47,
                "seasons_count": 22,
                "slug": "nova",
                "title": "NOVA"
            "slug": "decoding-covid-19-hrfhb2",
            "summary": "S47 Ep9 | 53m 38s",
            "title": "Decoding COVID-19",
            "title_sortable": "Decoding COVID-19",
            "url": "https://content.services.pbs.org/v3/pbsorg/screens/video-assets/decoding-covid-19-hrfhb2/",
            "video_type": "episode"

Get Rich Episode Video Data


Parameter Description
legacy-tp-media-id A video's legacy identifier. Used to fetch video metadata sent to JWPlayer.


GET - https://player.pbs.org/portalplayer/:legacy-tp-media-id/


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