
map time capsule

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


a time capsule/journal/diary map

as i get closer to 40 i've noticed my memory getting fuzzier and fuzzier. if i dont start writing things down soon i may not get another chance.

i've never made it more than a couple pages into a journal. hopefully my personal atlas will be different.


vaporware (with a plan).

front end routes

  • / - the map (displays "welcome" once)
  • /:date/to/:date - filtered map
  • /:user - specific user's map
  • /:user/:id - display a record
  • /:user/#edit - to add new records
  • /:user/:id#edit - existing record
  • /about - explanation


  • drag/drop raw EXIF photos
  • freehand geometries
  • GPX lines/polygons
  • longform markdown text

db schema

  • m:m user/record relationship
  • 1:m record/photo relationship


  • uuid or integer
  • timestamp
  • geometry
  • markdown
  • createdAt
  • updatedAt
  • blob?

API routes

  • GET /journal-entries - list everything
  • POST /journal-entries - insert a new record
  • GET /journal-entries/:id - fetch a single record
  • PUT /journal-entries/:id - update an existing record
  • DELETE /journal-entries/:id - delete an existing record (needs auth)
  • GET /:id/next - chronologically
  • GET /:id/previous - chronologically
  • GET / - version etc.
  • GET /ping - PONG


  • mobile friendly (evergreen browsers only)
  • renders markdown
  • create points
  • geocoder
  • figure out how to deploy it


  • date picker / slider
  • supercluster? / vector tiles?
  • auth
  • edit existing features
  • drag and drop GPX/EXIF
  • fuzzy dates (ie. user can convey how uncertain they are about the date they enter)


  • /random - surprise
  • ProseMirror (or similar) rich editor?
  • ?


  • get docker containers running PostGIS/PGAdmin

followed these instructions. not sure how to persist the db yet.

docker run --publish 5433:5433 --volume=pgvolume:/pgdata --env-file=pg-env.list --name=postgres --hostname=postgres --network=pgnetwork --detach crunchydata/crunchy-postgres-gis:centos7-12.5-3.0-4.5.1

docker run --publish 5050:5050 --volume=pga4volume:/var/lib/pgadmin --env-file=pgadmin-env.list --name=pgadmin4 --hostname=pgadmin4 --network=pgnetwork --detach crunchydata/crunchy-pgadmin4:centos7-12.5-4.5.1
  • create boilerplate sapper app with a leaflet map (atlas@a879111)
  • move db information to enviroment variables
  • get sequelize talking to PostGIS (atlas-db@680cd8c)

followed these instructions to load a dummy shapefile in first

  • create a back end route to LIST geojson

found a helper library that scaffolds out a basic REST API from a Sequelize model with minimal boilerplate. Its compatible with Express too, but i started with restify.

  • articulate schema in a migration and load data in a seed file (atlas-db@826fa25)


  • sort out a layout for the app
  • figure out how to render markdown
  • do something 'reactive' and manage state in sapper

TODO: later

  • use a service to deploy the thing
  • roll some auth