Flood Simulation Template

Demo application template built with the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript and Calcite Components.


This demo is built as a static web application.

  1. Download and copy the root folder to a web accessible location
  2. Update configuration parameters in application.json


Update the parameters in ./config/application.json file in your favorite json editor:

parameter details
portalUrl Organization or Enterprise URL; example: https://www.arcgis.com
oauthappid The OAuth ID of the Web Application item
authMode For public access set to 'anonymous' (and set oauthappid to null)
apiKey ArcGIS Platform API key
webmap The item id of the web map
webscene The item id of the web scene
viewProps Additional view properties.
shareable List of shareable properties
depthVariableName Multidimensional Variable
timeDimensionName Multidimensional Time Dimension
depthUnit the name and label for the Detph variable

Web Map Layers Configuration

This application expects the layers to be configured and organized in the Web Map as shown below. If you organize and name the layers in this manner, then there is no need to modify any code.

EXCEPTION: the only exception is the layer called 'Stanwood Mitigation' which contains visual representations of the barriers and is optional; the absence of (or different name for) this layer will not affect the application code.

web map layer config

For questions about the demo web application:

John Grayson | Prototype Specialist | Geo Experience Center
Esri | 380 New York St | Redlands, CA 92373 | USA
T 909 793 2853 x1609 | jgrayson@esri.com | GeoXC Demos | esri.com