
Combine fire activity and imagery to discover affected areas

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Our World On Fire

See what others can't by using a simple and focused workflow that combines fire activity and imagery to discover affected areas using curated content from the ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World.

NOTE: the available dates in the thermal activity, burn areas, and imagery don't always match. One way in which this application helps overcome this issue is that it allows for you to inspect thermal activity at a location and then use the availble imagery to discover how that location has changed recently.

  • Use the list of Active Burn Areas as a guide to zoom into specific locations.
  • View recent changes at a location by using the list of available dates for the Sentinel-2 imagery.
  • Additional layers (protected areas, population, and croplands) may provide context about the changes.

Layers used in this demo

For questions about the demo web application:

John Grayson | Prototype Specialist | Geo Experience Center
Esri | 380 New York St | Redlands, CA 92373 | USA
T 909 793 2853 x1609 | jgrayson@esri.com | GeoXC Demos | esri.com