
Dynamically calculate suitability using weighted sum of various fields.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Station Suitability

This application uses feature attributes to dynamically calculate suitability using a simple weighted sum based on several pre-configured attributes. It's assumed that these attributes have been normalized to a consistent range before being used in this application.


Station Suitability


This demo is built as a static web application.

1 - Download and copy the root folder to a web accessible location
2 - Update the configuration parameters in ./config/application.json


Update the application.json file in your favorite json editor:

parameter details
portalUrl Organization or Enterprise URL; example: https://www.arcgis.com
oauthappid The client app id for the web application item.

You can create the Client ID through the https://developers.arcgis.com/ website, or via the web application item page, 'Settings' tab, 'App Registration' section.
webmap This is the ArcGIS item ID of your Web Map.


The 'suitability' section of the config file is used to configure the suitability analysis settings specific to your layer.

layerTitle: the title of the Feature Layer as configured in the Web Map.

featureList: settings specific to the list of features in the left panel.

tableFieldsConfig: settings specific to the table of features in the bottom panel.

analysis: settings specific to the analysis.

The APIs

This application uses the ArcGIS API for JavaScript and Calcite Components.

Contact Us

For questions about the demo web application:

John Grayson | Prototype Specialist | Geo Experience Center
Esri | 380 New York St | Redlands, CA 92373 | USA
T 909 793 2853 x1609 | jgrayson@esri.com | GeoXC Demos | esri.com