
OpenStates Bot and GraphQL API Access Library

Primary LanguageC#


OpenStatesGraphCS consists of several projects:

Firstly, a .Net library for accessing the new Open States GraphQL API. OpenStates ( https://openstates.org/ )provides legislative data at the U.S state level and GraphQL is a popular query language first developed at Facebook. GraphQL ( https://graphql.org/ )is particularly good at allowing you to query for just the subsets of data that you need.

In addition of the .Net library, we have a included a Windows standalone application to exercise the library.

Finally, OpenStatesGraphCS includes a Microsoft Azure Bot to allow end users to query for OpenStates data. The virtue of Microsoft Bots that they can be hosted from many converstational platforms such Slack, Skype, Facebook Messenger without having to change a single line of code.

For now, we have implemented the dialogs using the LUIS natural language engine. This allows the user to converse with the bot in english phrases and the our bot will do it's best to interpret the query.