Joe's Bowling Game Kata
This small project is an exploration of the best way to test an application.
Kata Stories
- Player can enter entire score of their game at once
- Game ends immediately and displays final score
- Can only enter a valid score from 0 - 300
- Player can enter score per frame up to 10 frames
- 10 rounds, displays final score once 10 frames finished
- Can only enter valid number of points per frame
- Does not include strikes, spares, or bonus bowls
- Player can enter the points per bowl (2 per frame)
- Can only enter valid number of points per bowl, specifically second bowl
- Does not include strikes, spares, or bonus bowls
- Player can record strikes and spares
- Score of current frame is deferred until bonus is calculated when scoring a strike or spare
- Spare Bonus = number of pins knocked down in next bowl
- Strike Bonus = number of pins knocked down in next two bowls
- Does not include extra frames when scoring a strike or spare in 10th frame
- Player can record strikes and spares in 10th frame
- Strike = two extra bowls
- Spare = one extra bowl
- Score for this frame is total number of pins knocked down
- Users will only enter valid integers
- Users will only play up to the end of the 10th frame
How to run the tests
- Execute
./gradlew test
to run all tests - Hit
Ctrl + Shift + R
on any test file in Intellij to run a specifc test
How to run the application
- Execute
./gradlew build
- Execute
java -jar build/libs/bowling-game-kata-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- Execute
from within the shell to see available commands and descriptions