
This repository is a collection of python example programs to illustrate how to use the GreenAddress API.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

GreenAddress API examples

This repository is a collection of python example programs to illustrate how to use the GreenAddress API.

All examples run against the GreenAddress regtest service by default. This service is provided for experimentation and development only. We reserve the right to restart or delete data from regtest as needed to maintain its utility as a testbed for users developing against the API.

Please do not use a real mnemonic or attempt to store secure, identifying or important data on the regtest service.

For more information on the GreenAddress service and our API, please read the GreenAddress FAQ and the GreenAddress API Documentation.

We intend to add more examples and improve the documentation in the future. For more examples of real world API usage including key derivation, etc. please see the source code of:

Dependencies for Ubuntu & Debian

Remove all '{,3}' if you want to use just python2

$ sudo apt-get update -qq
$ sudo apt-get install python{,3}-pip python{,3}-dev build-essential python{,3}-virtualenv -yqq


$ virtualenv [-p python3] venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install --require-hashes -r tools/requirements.txt

Run examples

First run create_mnemonic.py to create a mnemonic for testing.

$ python create_mnemonic.py

Register the user with the service.

$ python login_register.py "words printed by create mnemonic ..."

The examples are named after the module and function they demonstrate. You should run them by passing the mnemonic as the first argument.

$ python module_function_name.py "your mnemonic words here ..."


If you find any bugs, or have suggestions or patches, please raise them on the gaexamples github project.