Custom authentication with express, sequelize, and bcrypt. Uses handlebars to demonstrate front-end use.
- debfdiasRecife
- dmdinh22Los Angeles, California
- ebrardevIstanbul/ Turkey
- EliHood
- ergustoNearform
- fabiocalheirosBelo Horizonte, Brasil
- gabrielferreiraa@arquivei
- janisrozenfeldsSouth Korea
- Jerem33320Bordeaux
- jgrisafeSoftware Engineer
- joehdoddFrontline Education
- KugelbergDK
- lifa123china
- Madhan-vj
- Mariana3101
- mbilalsiddique1Motive (ex KeepTruckin)
- MistrySaurabhVadodara
- monks1975Bolton College
- movittoDev Null Productions
- natthamonngFrance
- Oseias447Brazil
- patrbeckGermany
- pavlok88
- PedroDias-DevBrazil, SP
- pierangelo1982
- pritam3010
- r03i98
- rodrigoespinozadev
- ronibVerix
- rullymartantoJakarta Indonesia
- tephimanoStamford, CT
- tupizzMaking a better world with @Pray.com
- unicornware@flex-development
- yubathomXimple.co
- ZacharycampanelliTorrington, CT