
gotrix is a blueprint for a go web project, solving the most common problems

Primary LanguageGo

gotrix concept

gotrix is a blueprint for a go web project, solving the most common problems. Its not meant to be used as a library but rather to be copied and used as starting point. This frees from having to fulfill every need at every point in the lib.


A small to middle-sized web application with cli, api and frontend using postgres as db.


  • benbjohnson/ego for view rendering
  • julienschmidt/httprouter for routing

Recommended further libs

  • jgroeneveld/trial/assert small and clean assertions


  • The access/presentation layer (cli / web/api / web/frontend)

    • provides handlers that translate and validate user input into calls for the app/service layer.
    • translates output to display for the user
  • The service layer (app/service)

    • provides use cases, validates input and executes any calls to the persistence layer
    • or any other data sources
  • The persistence layer (app/db) provides access to the database in a structured way.

Application Structure

  • app application level logic
  • cfg configuration
  • cmd binaries
  • lib reusable library components
  • scripts contains go runable scripts
  • web web handlers and web-related logic (e.g. views)


  • apperrors see Errors
  • db database persistence layer and connection management
  • db/migrations see Migrations
  • model provides data structures that are managed by db.
  • service service layer containing use cases for the application logic.


  • config.go contains the definition and loading of the config from file, env and defaults
  • defaults.go contains the default configuration for the different environments.


  • gtmigrate runs the migrations
  • gtserver starts the webserver




  • ego contains a wrapped version of benbjohnson/ego so that every developer uses the same version
  • goassets a script to bundle assets into the binary


  • api related handlers, serializers etc.
  • frontend related handlers, views, assets etc.
  • webtest global tests for the web layer like end to end tests
  • router.go main entry point for the web layer


  • lib/errors is used to wrap all unknown error sources to add stacktrace information.
  • app/apperr provides application level errors (apperr.Validation, apperr.RecordNotFound)
  • lib/web/httperr converts application level errors into http errors with status codes. They can be rendered by api or html middlewares into error responses.


gtmigrate runs migrations on the configured postgres database. Migrations are defined in app/db/migrations.

The name of the migration file 001_create_expenses.go is just for ordering in the folder. The first param of Migrations.Add is the ordering in which the migrations are run and, combined with the description, the id in the database. (id, description) must be unique.


To allow for test helpers that are importable from other packages and to prevent cyclic dependencies, all tests will be contained in special *test packages. All tests for the db package are contained in db/dbtext for example. dbtest -> db dbtest -> fabricate fabricate -> db This way fabricate can be used by dbtest which both depend on db.

Furthermore, testing helpers are not directly mixed with the production code.

Sometimes this *test packages need to contain an empty.go file so that go get does not break for this package.