
The code in this repo allows computing multi-set f-scores on sequences of labels/tokens.

What is multiset f-score?

For example:

Say the system predicts the sentence "a mouse and a cat chase the mouse", and the gold (reference) sentence is "the mouse and the cat chase a second mouse". Then the multisets of tokens in the sentence are the sets of tokens with their multiplicity. That is:

Prediction: {"a": 2, "mouse": 2, "and": 1, "cat": 1, "chase":1, "the":1} Gold: {"a":1, "mouse": 2, "and": 1, "cat": 1, "chase": 1, "the":2, "second":1}

Of the 8 predicted labels, 7 are correct ("a" is correct only once), and of the 9 gold labels, 7 were predicted ("second" was left out, and "the" only predicted once). Both 7s are actually the same number of correctly predicted tokens.

Then precision is 7/8=0.875 and recall is 7/9=0.77777..., yielding a multiset f-score of about 0.82.

When given a corpus of prediction/gold sequence pairs, the code computes the micro-average as usual (i.e. computing the total number of predicted labels, gold labels and correct labels across the corpus, and getting the f-score from there).

The input sequences can of course be other sequences than sentences, such as the list of all node labels in a graph.


The most convenient use is the run_on_corpus in, which takes as input two lists of token lists, e.g. as in the main function:

  predicted_labels_corpus = [["The", "cat", "is", "on", "the", "mat"], ["John", "loves", "Mary"], ["John", "loves", "Mary"]]
  gold_labels_corpus = [["The", "cat", "sits", "on", "the", "desk"], ["John", "likes", "Mary"], ["John", "hates", "pancakes"]]
  run_on_corpus(predicted_labels_corpus, gold_labels_corpus)

For more custom-tailored use, make a MultisetFScore object, feed each prediction/gold sequence pair into process_instance and in the end call get_recall_precision_f to get the results.


You can install this package by running pip install -e . (don't forget the dot) in its main directory. You can then import multiset_fscore to access the code in