
Primary LanguageCythonMIT LicenseMIT

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Semi-Automatic Crop Field Extraction from Imagery

Google Earth Engine Python API
  • Earth Engine Python API
    • SACFEI can be used as a stand-alone Python library, but also has scripts for extracting edges from Sentinel-2 10m and Landsat 7/8 15m pan from Google Cloud storage

On Linux, the installation steps for the GEE Python package consist of:

> pip3.6 install --user earthengine-api
> python3.6 -c "import ee; ee.Initialize()"

...and then following the on-screen and browser steps.

SACFEI installation

> git clone https://github.com/jgrss/sacfei.git
> cd sacfei/
> python3.6 setup.py build && pip3.6 install --user --upgrade . && rm -rf build/

Python usage

Load the library:

>>> import sacfei

Basic processing with default parameters:

>>> # Here, `ts_array` is a multi-dimensional 
>>> #   time-series array 
>>> saf = sacfei.SACFEI(ts_array)
>>> # Extract edges
>>> saf.extract_egm()
>>> # Edge gradient magnitude
>>> print(saf.egm)
>>> # Segment edges
>>> saf.segment_egm()
>>> print(saf.objects)

Google Earth Engine

  • The Google Earth Engine API (see above) is needed to run the GEE Python interface.
cd /sacfei/scripts/

Print help

python3.6 gee.py -h

Processing examples

  • When running gee.py, the output GeoTiffs will be saved to your Google Drive folder that is specified with --drive-folder.
    • When finished, use gdcp (below) to batch download files.

Process one year of data for MGRS grid 11SPS over Europe

python3.6 gee.py --start-date 2016-1-1 --end-date 2017-1-1 --mgrs-grids 11SPS --export-name my_image --export-cell 10 --export-crs euaeac --drive-folder GEE_dir

Process MGRS grids over South America, where the grids to process are given by a shapefile

python3.6 gee.py --start-date 2016-1-1 --end-date 2017-1-1 --mgrs-region /mgrs_grids.shp --export-name my_image --export-cell 15 --export-crs saaeac --drive-folder GEE_dir

Post-Google Earth Engine

Batch download Google Drive directories


gdcp download -i <Google Drive folder id> <output location>

Edit projection and data type

python3.6 post_gee.py -i /GEE -o /EGM --export-crs euaeac

Run the SACFEI batch script over an image, block by block

Print command-line options

python3 batch.py -h

Basic usage intersecting a land cover map

python3 batch.py -i /EGM/my_image_11SPS_edited.tif -o /objects/objects.tif --lc-image /land_cover.tif --method all --row-block 1000 --col-block 1000 --n-jobs 8

The command below specifies:

  1. the image normalization grid tile sizes
  2. the edge thresholding window sizes
  3. relaxes edge probabilities
  4. applies post-segmentation object cleaning
  5. specifies the logistic scaling paramaters
  6. appends additional image variables to each object
  7. uses WGS84 lat/lon CRS
python3 batch.py -i /EGM/edited_mosaic.vrt -o /objects/objects.tif --grid-tiles 16 32 --thresh-windows 25 51 --relax-probas --apply-clean --logistic-alpha 1.5 --logistic-beta 0.7 --projection wgs84 --var-image /extra_variables.vrt --method all --row-block 1000 --col-block 1000 --n-jobs 8