
Formstack Integration for MODX

Primary LanguagePHP

MODX Revolution Extension/Formstack Integration

Using: https://github.com/jgulledge19/FormStackAPI

System Settings

  • formstack.access_token

Template Variables

  • formstackFormID ~ Listbox (Single-Select) Input @EVAL return $modx->runSnippet('listFormstackForms',array('itemSeparator' => '||','item'=>'formstackTVItem')); Will list all available forms based on permissions of the accessToken
  • formstackFormField ~ Listbox (Single-Select) Input @EVAL return $modx->runSnippet('listFormstackFormColumns',array()); Will list all form fields of the selected form. If empty select a Formstack form and save and refresh to see fields.
  • formstackHandshake ~ Text Fill in a matching Secret Key for the related Formstack Form if using a Webhook back to MODX



Get any/all details of a Formstack form and send to placeholders and optionally return/echo as string


  • formID INT a valid Formstack from ID
  • return A detail to return, example &return=name would just return the form name
  • cacheLife INT the length of time to cache the details in seconds, default is 3600, one hour
  • prefix The prefix for the placeholders, default is form Available placeholders where the snippet is called, if you set the prefix to a different value use it rather than form
    • [[+form.created]]
    • [[+form.db]]
    • [[+form.deleted]]
    • [[+form.folder]]
    • [[+form.id]]
    • [[+form.language]]
    • [[+form.name]]
    • [[+form.submissions]]
    • [[+form.submissions_unread]]
    • [[+form.updated]]
    • [[+form.viewkey]]
    • [[+form.views]]
    • [[+form.submissions_today]]
    • [[+form.last_submission_id]]
    • [[+form.last_submission_time]]
    • [[+form.url]]
    • [[+form.url_path]]
    • [[+form.data_url]]
    • [[+form.summary_url]]
    • [[+form.rss_url]]
    • [[+form.encrypted]]
    • [[+form.thumbnail_url]]
    • [[+form.submit_button_title]]
    • [[+form.inactive]]
    • [[+form.timezone]]
    • [[+form.permissions]]
    • [[+form.javascript]]
    • [[+form.html]]


Will get a Formstack form and iterate through its fields and set field data as placeholders to be used in a Chunk.


  • formID INT a valid Formstack from ID
  • item this is the Chunk that will be iterated through, default is formstackTVFieldItem
  • itemSeparator ~ default is ||, this is how the Snippet will explode the data on
  • hide Comma separated Field types to hide from iteration, default is section
  • useParts bool if 1 then Formstack form fields like Name and Address will be separated out, so Name (first) and Name (last). If 0 then the fields will be treated as one.
  • cacheLife INT the length of time to cache the details in seconds, default is 3600, one hour

Available placeholder in the item Chunk

  • [[+count]]
  • [[+fieldID]]
  • [[+label]]
  • [[+hide_label]]
  • [[+description]]
  • [[+name]]
  • [[+type]]
  • [[+options]] - for select this is array and placeholders won't iterate
  • [[+required]]
  • [[+uniq]]
  • [[+hidden]]
  • [[+readonly]]
  • [[+colspan]]
  • [[+sort]]
  • [[+logic]]
  • [[+calculation]]
  • [[+default]]
  • [[+text_size]]
  • [[+maxlength]]
  • [[+placeholder]]


Snippet will list all Formstack forms that that application access token has access to view. Snippet will then iterate through the forms and set form data as placeholders to be used in a Chunk.


  • item this is the Chunk that will be iterated through, default is formstackItem
  • itemSeparator ~ default is ||, this is how the Snippet will explode the data on
  • cacheLife INT the length of time to cache the details in seconds, default is 3600, one hour

Available placeholder in the item Chunk

  • [[+name]]
  • [[+formId]]
  • [[+count]]
  • [[+details.created]]
  • [[+details.db]]
  • [[+details.deleted]]
  • [[+details.folder]]
  • [[+details.id]]
  • [[+details.language]]
  • [[+details.name]]
  • [[+details.submissions]]
  • [[+details.submissions_unread]]
  • [[+details.updated]]
  • [[+details.viewkey]]
  • [[+details.views]]
  • [[+details.submissions_today]]
  • [[+details.last_submission_id]]
  • [[+details.last_submission_time]]
  • [[+details.url]]
  • [[+details.data_url]]
  • [[+details.summary_url]]
  • [[+details.rss_url]]
  • [[+details.encrypted]]
  • [[+details.thumbnail_url]]
  • [[+details.submit_button_title]]
  • [[+details.inactive]]
  • [[+details.timezone]]
  • [[+details.permissions]]
  • [[+details.javascript]]
  • [[+details.html]]


The snippet will do the initial processing and security screening a Formstack webhook. Then you need to write a snippet to do some actual action that will be called very similarly like a FormIt hook. Example usage would be to place snippet call not cached at the top of your Template, like so:
[[!processFormstackWebhook? &hooks=`addFormstackToDataExtensionHook`]]<!DOCTYPE html>


  • formID INT a valid Formstack from ID
  • hooks A comma separated list of MODX Snippets that can take the Formstack form data and do something with it. All hooks will be passed the following
    • formData an associated array (form field => input value)
    • formID
  • handshake This is the matching Secret Key for the related Formstack Form. If you have formstackHandshake TV set for the current resource then you don't need to set it.
  • debug Boolean, if 1 then will write debug messages to MODX Error log