
Repo will be deleted soon

Primary LanguagePHP

Simple snippet for MODX Revolution

This is a simple snippet that does date calculations.  Returns date string in selected format or in Unix Timestamp.

   &format=`Y-m-d` default: Y-m-d date: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php, 
                    strftime: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php 
   &function=`` default is date, can be: strftime or date
   &time=`` - Unix Timestamp default is time()
   &strtotime=`` default empty, if set it will override the time property 
                Strings: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strtotime.php
   &past=`` default empty, this is the time to subtract from time/strtotime in seconds 
                (Mixed) can be (Int) 604800, for 1 week or use asterisk math operator: 3600*24*7  
   &future=`` default empty, same as past
   &return=`` default string, can be time for Unix timestamp

Returns current date/time: 2013-04-01 

1 week ago from current time (current time for example is April 1, 2013):
  &format=`l F jS, Y`
Returns: Monday March 25th, 2013

Get a date of 1 week before resource was published (Published on: 2/4/2013):
  &format=`l F jS, Y`
Returns: Monday February 25th, 2013 

21 days ago from current time (current time for example is April 1, 2013):
  &format=`l F jS, Y`
Returns: Monday March 11th, 2013

21 days ahead from current time (current time for example is April 1, 2013):
  &format=`l F jS, Y`
Returns: Monday April 22nd, 2013

Send it to a placeholder:

  &format=`l F jS, Y`
<br>My Date: [[+myDate]]