
Semantic role labeling, dependency parsing, and NER in Tensorflow

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Tensorflow NLP

This project aims to provide modular boilerplate code for natural language processing applications (sequence tagging, semantic role labeling, and parsing) implemented in Tensorflow. The project is compatible with Google Cloud Platform and ML Engine for easy cloud-based training.

Getting Started

Local Prerequisites

  • Python 3
  • virtualenv
  • (optional) TF-compatible GPU (CUDA 9 / CuDNN 7)

You can use virtualenv to create a self-contained installation with the necessary dependencies. For GPU training, you will need to follow the TF GPU installation instructions.

virtualenv -p python3 ~/.venvs/tfnlp
source ~/.venvs/tfnlp/bin/activate
cd tfnlp
# if no compatible GPU available, use requirements-cpu.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
python tfnlp/trainer.py

We use GloVe word vectors in the below examples. You can download them as follows:

wget -O data/vectors/glove.6B.zip http://nlp.stanford.edu/data/glove.6B.zip
unzip data/vectors/glove.6B.zip -d data/vectors && rm data/vectors/glove.6B.zip

Example Applications

We provide several examples of NLP applications–named entity recognition, semantic role labeling, and dependency parsing.

Named Entity Recognition

We can closely replicate the LSTM-CNN-CRF architecture from Xuezhe Ma and Eduard Hovy (2016) using the provided configuration in data/config/ner/ner-glove-config.json.

Follow the instructions for downloading and preparing the CoNLL 2003 English NER dataset. You should end up with 3 files, eng.train, eng.testa, and eng.testb, which will comprise our training, development, and test data. Note that the official CoNLL 2003 evaluation script requires Perl to run.

You can then begin training with the following command:

python tfnlp/trainer.py --job-dir data/experiments/conll-03 \
--train path/to/conll03/eng.train \
--valid path/to/conll03/eng.testa \
--test path/to/conll03/eng.testb \
--config data/config/ner/ner-glove-config.json \
--resources data/

where path/to/conll03 gives the location of the CoNLL 2003 corpus. You can run the same command to resume training from a saved checkpoint,

--job-dir provides the output directory for a particular run. Feature vocabularies, extracted features, checkpoints and final models are saved here.

--resources data/ indicates the base path to any resources, such as word embeddings, specified in the configuration file given by --config data/config/ner/ner-glove-config.json.

Typically, the development F1 score reaches ~94, with a test F1 score of ~90.5.

To train using ELMo–described in the paper Deep contextualized word representations, use ner-elmo-config.json instead of ner-glove-config.json.

To train using a model with BERT, described in BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding use ner-bert-config.json:

INFO:tensorflow:Evaluating on data/datasets/conll03-ner/eng.testb
INFO:tensorflow:processed 46666 tokens with 5648 phrases; found: 5731 phrases; correct: 5208.
accuracy:  98.29%; precision:  90.87%; recall:  92.21%; FB1:  91.54
              LOC: precision:  93.71%; recall:  92.87%; FB1:  93.29  1653
             MISC: precision:  79.14%; recall:  84.33%; FB1:  81.66  748
              ORG: precision:  88.24%; recall:  91.27%; FB1:  89.73  1718
              PER: precision:  96.22%; recall:  95.92%; FB1:  96.07  1612

Semantic Role Labeling

To train a model based on Deep Semantic Role Labeling: What works and what's next, you will need to download and prepare PropBank data from either the CoNLL-2005 shared task or the the train-dev-test split from CoNLL-2012. Instructions for downloading and preparing the data can be found at https://github.com/jgung/semantic-role-labeling.

For CoNLL-2005, you should end up with 4 files: train-set.conll and dev-set.conll, and optional test files test-wsj.conll and test-brown.conll.

You can then begin training using the following command:

python tfnlp/trainer.py --job-dir data/experiments/conll-05 \
--train path/to/conll05/train-set.conll \
--valid path/to/conll05/dev-set.conll \
--test path/to/conll05/test-wsj.conll \
--config data/config/srl/srl-glove-config.json \
--resources data/

You can run the same command to resume training from a saved checkpoint. The development F1 score typically reaches between 80 and 81.

For training on CoNLL-2012, you will only need to change the "reader": "conll_2005" field in srl-glove-config.json to "reader": "conll_2012", or override it using --param_overrides reader=conll_2012.

To train with BERT, use data/config/srl/srl-bert-config.json instead of srl-glove-config.json.

Dependency Parsing

We also provide an implementation of the graph-based dependency parser described in the paper Deep Biaffine Attention for Neural Dependency Parsing.

To train on CoNLL-2009 data, you will need to follow the instructions available for the official shared task. For replicating the PTB-SD experiments, https://github.com/hankcs/TreebankPreprocessing provides a script to preprocess WSJ data into the Stanford Dependency format.

To train on the English CoNLL-2009 dependency data (using provided predicted POS tags), you can use the following command:

python tfnlp/trainer.py --job-dir data/experiments/conll-09-en \
--train path/to/CoNLL2009-ST-English/CoNLL2009-ST-English-train.txt \
--valid path/to/CoNLL2009-ST-English-development.txt \
--config data/config/parsing/parser-config.json \
--script data/scripts/eval09.pl \
--resources data/

For Stanford Dependency (CoNLL-X formatted) corpora, you should instead use parser-sd-config.json.

Google Cloud Platform

Alternatively, you can train models via Google Cloud ML Engine.

Just install the SDK. Then create a storage bucket to persist your training results.

A script, ./gcloud-train.sh has been provided to simplify the training process:

./gcloud-train.sh --config path/to/config.json --train path/to/train.txt --valid path/to/valid.txt --test path/to/test.txt --bucket bucket_name
        -h --help
        --config        Path to .json file used to configure features and model hyper-parameters
        --train         Path to training corpus file
        --valid         Path to validation corpus file
        --test          Comma-separated list of paths to test files (optional)
        --bucket        Google Cloud Storage bucket name
        --job-name      Job name (optional)
        --runtime       Tensorflow runtime version (optional, 1.13 by default)

Alternatively, follow the latest instructions for running a training job in ML Engine. You can use the same training arguments you would locally after the empty -- flag, other than specifying --job-dir before this flag.