
A demo of a webserver in Rust

Primary LanguageRust


A serverless web service

Everything is included to demo deploying to Cloud Run on GCP.

Related Blogpost explaining in more detail how all this works: https://jgunnink.substack.com/p/rustless-serverless-rust

Getting started

You can run this locally if you like by building the docker image and running it.

To build:

docker build . -t rustless

To run:

docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 rustless


You can deploy this by running:

gcloud builds submit .

This will kick off a cloubuild job and towards the end of the build output, you'll have a running service URL outputted in the log. It will look something like:



Any ideas to improve or changes requested can be made via the repo's issues or pull request section and are welcome.