Corretto Docker
Master repository where Dockerfiles for Amazon Corretto are hosted. These docker files are used to build images for Amazon Corretto Offical Images and ECR images.
The docker images are available on Amazon Corretto Official Images
To use Amazon Corretto Official Images from Docker hub run
docker pull amazoncorretto:11
The docker images are also available on Amazon ECR.
To use the docker images from Amazon ECR, you would need to authenticate with the ECR registry (id: 489478819445) with the help of instruction from here. Once authenticated, Amazon Corretto docker images can be pulled using command
docker pull
docker run -it /bin/bash
You can view the available tags, run
aws ecr list-images --region us-west-2 --registry-id 489478819445 --repository-name amazoncorretto | jq -r '.imageIds[] | .imageTag'
Supported Tags
- 8, 8u282, 8u282-al2, 8-al2-full,8-al2-jdk, latest
- 11, 11.0.10, 11.0.10-al2, 11-al2-jdk, 11-al2-full
- 8-alpine, 8u282-alpine, 8-alpine-full, 8-alpine-jdk
- 8-alpine-jre, 8u282-alpine-jre
- 11-alpine, 11.0.10-alpine, 11-alpine-full, 11-alpine-jdk
- 15, 15-al2-jdk, 15-al2-full
- 15-alpine, 15-alpine-full, 15-alpine-jdk
To build the docker images, you can use the following command.
docker build -t amazon-corretto-{major_version} -f ./{major_version}/{jdk|jre}/{al2|alpine|debian}/Dockerfile .
If you would like to report a potential security issue in this project, please do not create a GitHub issue. Instead, please follow the instructions here or email AWS security directly.