Python interface for GITRM

Primary LanguageC++

pyGITRM: A Python interface for GITRM


Given a native paraolid file, the source code and makefile required to convert to a simmetrix (smd) file are in this folder. Please read

Omega-h mesh conversion

The next step is converting the simmetrix mesh to an omega-h mesh. Please read

Python script: write_fields.py

Given the OEDGE data in a .npy format where the field information and the mesh information (the x and y co-ordinates of the four vertices of the quadrilateral) are in oder:
a) It creates a netCDF4 file for the fields which GITRm understands
b) It creates a lu.nc file which is essentially the OEDGE mesh information GITRm understands (This is required as fields are transferred directly from OEDGE to GITRm. without need to convert to a rectilinear grid).