
Library for working with RSA keys using Elixir and OpenSSL ports

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


Library for working with RSA keys using Elixir and OpenSSL ports.


If available in Hex, the package can be installed as:

  • Add rsa_ex to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:rsa_ex, "~> 0.4"}]
  • Ensure rsa_ex is started before your application:
def application do
  [applications: [:rsa_ex]]


  • Generate RSA 2048 Private Key
iex> {:ok, priv} = RsaEx.generate_private_key
  • Generate RSA 2048 Public Key
iex> {:ok, priv} = RsaEx.generate_private_key
iex> {:ok, pub} = RsaEx.generate_public_key(priv)
  • Generate RSA 4096 Public Key
iex> {:ok, priv} = RsaEx.generate_private_key("4096")
iex> {:ok, pub} = RsaEx.generate_public_key(priv)
  • Generate RSA 2048 Private/Public Keypair
iex> {:ok, {priv, pub}} = RsaEx.generate_keypair
  • Generate RSA 4096 Private/Public Keypair
iex> {:ok, {priv, pub}} = RsaEx.generate_keypair("4096")
  • Sign message with RSA private key
iex> {:ok, rsa_private_key} = RsaEx.generate_private_key
iex> {:ok, signature} = RsaEx.sign("message", rsa_private_key)
  • Sign message with RSA private key specifying a custom dygest type
iex> {:ok, rsa_private_key} = RsaEx.generate_private_key
iex> {:ok, signature} = RsaEx.sign("message", rsa_private_key, :sha512)
  • Verify signature with RSA public key
iex> {:ok, valid} = RsaEx.verify(message, signature, rsa_public_key)
  • Verify signature with RSA public key specifying a custom dygest type
iex> {:ok, valid} = RsaEx.verify(message, signature, rsa_public_key, :sha512)
  • Encrypt message with RSA public key in base64
iex> clear_text = "Important message"
"Important message"
iex> {:ok, cipher_text} = RsaEx.encrypt(clear_text, {:public_key, rsa_public_key})
{:ok, "Lmbv...HQ=="}
  • Encrypt message with RSA private key in base64
iex> clear_text = "Important message"
"Important message"
iex> {:ok, cipher_text} = RsaEx.encrypt(clear_text, {:private_key, rsa_private_key})
{:ok, "Lmbv...HQ=="}
  • Decrypt message with RSA private key
iex> {:ok, decrypted_clear_text} = RsaEx.decrypt(cipher_text, {:private_key, rsa_private_key})
{:ok, "Important message"}
  • Decrypt message with RSA public key
iex> {:ok, decrypted_clear_text} = RsaEx.decrypt(cipher_text, {:public_key, rsa_public_key})
{:ok, "Important message"}