
a boilerplate for using Parcel JS :sunglasses:

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Parcel JS boilerplate

a boilerplate for using Parcel JS for front-end development!

  • Markup compilation
  • Stylesheet compilation
  • Script compilation
  • Source linting
  • Static server with automatic live reload/style injection

Gets you up and running with Parcel JS quickly! 🏃

Currently the boilerplate makes use of pug, stylus and es6/babel. But these could easily be swapped out/removed based on your requirements.

The idea is that you will fork your own version and adapt it to fit your requirements 👍


As a prerequisite it's assumed you have npm/yarn installed and the gulp-cli.

  1. Clone the repo

     git clone https://github.com/jh3y/parcel-boilerplate.git
  2. Install dependencies

     npm install / yarn
  3. Start

     make develop


The boilerplate makes uses of a self-documented Makefile. You can see all available tasks with make 😎



Any problems or questions, feel free to post an issue or tweet me, @_jh3y!

@jh3y 2018 😄