
[JAIR'23] BOSHNAS tool for efficient neural architecture search.

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains the relevant training and testing scipts for the BOSHNAS tool for efficient neural architecture search. It is based on the naszilla/naszilla repo.

Table of Contents

Environment setup

Clone this repository and install its requirements (which includes nasbench, nas-bench-201, and nasbench301). It may take a few minutes.

git clone https://github.com/JHA-Lab/boshnas.git
cd boshnas

For pip, use the requirements.txt file.

cat requirements.txt | xargs -n 1 -L 1 pip install
pip install -e .

If you use conda, you can use the environment setup script.

source env_setup.sh

Next, download the NAS benchmark dataset (either with the terminal command below, or from the website (nasbench):

wget https://storage.googleapis.com/nasbench/nasbench_only108.tfrecord

Run experiments

To run various NAS algorithms on the NASBench-101 dataset, use the script naszilla/run_experiments.py.

cd naszilla
python run_experiments.py --algo_params <algo_params> --queries 50 --trials 1

Here, <algo_params> can be one of: simple_algos, all_algos, sota_algos (which only contains BANANAS and BOSHNAS), local_search_variants, random, evolution, bananas, gp_bo, dngo, bohamiann, local_search, nasbot, gcn_predictor, and boshnas. Other evaluation flags can be seen by running the command python run_experiments.py --help.


Shikhar Tuli and Shreshth Tuli. For any questions, comments or suggestions, please reach out at stuli@princeton.edu.

Cite this work

Cite our work using the following bitex entry:

      title={{FlexiBERT}: Are Current Transformer Architectures too Homogeneous and Rigid?}, 
      author={Tuli, Shikhar and Dedhia, Bhishma and Tuli, Shreshth and Jha, Niraj K.},

This work is used in jha-lab/txf_design-space. Other works that leverage BOSHNAS and its extensions include:

  title={CODEBench: A Neural Architecture and Hardware Accelerator Co-Design Framework},
  author={Tuli, Shikhar and Li, Chia-Hao and Sharma, Ritvik and Jha, Niraj K},
  journal={ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems},
  publisher={ACM New York, NY}
      title={{TransCODE}: Co-design of Transformers and Accelerators for Efficient Training and Inference}, 
      author={Tuli, Shikhar and Jha, Niraj K.},


BSD-3-Clause. Copyright (c) 2022, Shikhar Tuli and Jha Lab. All rights reserved.

See License file for more details.