
화면 해설 프로그램(Screen commentary program)

Primary LanguagePython


2022 graduation_project

화면 해설 프로그램(Screen commentary program)

2022. 12. 10 Latest Demo version

📌 Objective

How much can we understand if we close our eyes or cover our ears? It is called "Barrier Free" to add screen commentary and subtitles so that both disabled and non-disabled people can see and feel the work equally. At this time, screen commentary is an important link between the audience and the production.

We thought about what would be inconvenient for blind people to encounter various media. Can Blind People Enjoy All YouTube Videos? That's the question that arises. So we thought of a screen commentary service for YouTube.

  1. Provide convenience to screen commentators
  2. Automate audio editing and voice insertion

💻 Development Process

  1. Understanding Information (Not developed yet)
  2. Priority Algorithm (Not developed yet)
  3. Identify where the voice will be guided
  4. Insert audio in video

First, analyze what information is in the image.

Next, the algorithm determines which of the many pieces of information analyzed and how to convey it.

Identify where the information to be delivered will be guided to the voice, and insert it appropriately between images to guide it.

At this point, the position where the voice will be guided should not appear before the screen in an empty space that does not overlap the line.

🧑‍💻 Technologies

You can see more detailed information in below page.

🔗 Wiki page: https://github.com/jha2ee/GraduationProject/wiki/Developed-version(2022-2)


📙 MoviePy

📗 Vad algorithm(Webrtcvad)

📘 Google TTS

📝 Data Analysis (Not developed yet)

  1. Voice data
  2. Subtitle data
  3. Image(Video) data
  4. Meta data

This data uses for Priority algorithm, Position to insert tts, Understanding context.

👀 Reference

  1. 화면해설 365 법칙 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgXfppcFzTI
3 : 
For innate blindness
Elementary school students can understand
Considering that the non-disabled will watch it together

6 :
Curious sounds, characters, times and places, visual information, situations, directives

5 :
From the observer's point of view, In the empty space between lines, 
Present form from an observer's point of view,
The commentary doesn't come out before the screen, 
Can draw a picture with a natural sentence